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Obi-Wan carried Amara back to the ship after she eventually passed out from the pain. He saw the way her head fell on his chest, but analyzing her deeper, he realized she didn't even look like herself right now.

In the many years Amara and Obi-Wan had been together, he had never seen her so broken. She was always happy, and filled with joy. But today all she did was cry as she watched her world crumble down around her.

He studied her fragile face beginning to wipe the damp tears away, as she made faces of pain.

Upon reaching the ship with Amara in his arms, he was met with 3PO. The droid was quick to inform him that Padmé was safely on the ship but still unconscious. He made it a point to mention that she hadn't been very active since he found her outside the ship.

Obi-Wan thanked the protocol droid before walking in the ship with Amara in his arms still. Once he entered the ship he was able to press a bottom, bringing out a rest area for Amara to lay on. As he laid her down he watched her as she stayed motionless.

Placing a hand on her forehead he realized she was burning up again. He was slightly worried deciding that he would have to get her and Padmé to a medic quickly.

He was about to walk back to the front of the ship in order to take off, but small moans were suddenly heard.

"Obi-Wan..." He heard Padmé's gentle voice whisper from the side.

He turned to view Padmé watching as her eyes found his. She looked so lost, and her thoughts were hazy.

"Is Anakin alright?" She wondered, slipping into unconscious's once again. Her head tilted to the side as she was inaudible once more.


Darth Sidious had sensed a disturbance in the force a while back while on Coruscant. He felt that Lord Vader was in danger and needed him urgently. Calling shock troopers to his aid he then requested a ship to take him and others to the Mustafar system, knowing this was where Vader was sent at the time.

No time was wasted before him and his guards were on the way to Mustafar in attempts to find Darth Vader. Palpatine knew Vader couldn't be dead, but that didn't mean he wasn't close to death.

When they entered the Mustafar system, the Sith Lords' senses began to go haywire knowing that Vader was near by. With his guards in front they searched the planet high and low before they found the apprentice.

He was resting by the lava at the bottom, and barley had the strength to go on. The emperor was relieved when he saw that Vader was still able to respond. Vader's eyes glanced up at his master in relief, realizing he was now safe.

"There he is, and he is still alive..." The emperor sounded relieved before sending his troopers off to get a gurney so they could save Vader.

As the troopers ran back to the ship, Palpatine took slow steps to go see his apprentice. He could feel the hot rocks against his shoes yet it didn't bother him in the slightest.

He eventually made his way to Darth Vader beginning to crouch down ever so slowly. Vader watched him do so before closing his eyes feeling Palpatine extend his hand to rest it against his head.

"You have done well my apprentice."


[Polis Massa]

Obi-Wan was able to eventually make contact with Master Yoda and Bail Organa on Polis Massa. The two had been together after Bail rescued Yoda on Coruscant. Once he was safe the two then realized they couldn't stay their and this was their best option as a place to regroup.

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