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A war was still going on the current planet.

There was a battle between the clones and the droids firing their blasters against each other, seeing who would be superior.

On the other end, there was General Grievous going against Obi-Wan and Amara. The three opponents were speeding through the platforms of the current civilization. They were all attempting to stay on their modes of transportation.

Amara was behind Obi-Wan who had finally caught up to Grievous, now being directly across from him. Hoping they could maybe cut them off, Amara decided to get on the other side of Grievous, blocking him from escaping.

The General continued to laugh at his current situation, occasionally trying to use his placement as an advantage, when he would slam into the Jedi, hoping to run them off the course. This continued as the rode through the cities attempting to not his civilians.

"This is a lot harder than it should be!" Amara yelled from her varactyl, holding on tightly trying to keep her footing. Sooner or later, she felt that she would slip off at this rate. Taking a look at Grievous trying to see what his next move would be Amara then noticed him take out an electrostaff with a sinister laugh following this action.

He began waving the staff towards one side in attempts to attack Obi-Wan. His staff whipped past Obi-Wan, but the Jedi master was ready to lean sideways avoiding the hit. Grievous then decided he would try to hit Amara as well.

He readied his stance while holding the weapon pulling back. This gave Obi-Wan Just enough time to rip the weapon away before he could successfully strike Amara down. She looked towards her friend with a nod, thanking him for stopping the weapon.

Grievous growled out only focusing on her angrily. Amara looked him up and down soon beginning to see the vehicle inch towards her again. He hit Alla this time causing her to yelp in pain. Out of fear of being hit again, her legs were beginning to grip the wall beside her.

The jolt caused Amara to grab on to Alla's neck in fear. Trying to get her footing once again she then grabbed the reins pulling back feeling Alla slow down to get behind Grievous vehicle instead.

Amara's heart was beating rapidly thinking of the fact that she was almost crushed by that vehicle. They weren't going to have a chance to strike Grievous unless they took out his vehicle completely.

Amara tried to think of what to do next. Looking towards Obi-Wan her gaze then went towards the staff he was still holding on to. An idea was appearing in her head, she just needed Obi-Wan to follow through.

"The staff! Use the staff!" Amara yelled trying to keep a steady pace behind Grievous. Obi-Wan looking at her trying to understand the words she was saying before connecting two and two together.

Trying to get as close to Grievous's vehicle as possible, he then tried to do what Amara instructed him. Grievous noticed this immediately and with a groan reached over to grab Obi-Wan by the neck. Obi-Wan was then ripped off his Varactyl now hanging off the side of the bike.

His eyes widened at the situation realizing that if Grievous has decided to let go, he would surely die.

His Varactyl noticed he was no longer there abruptly stopping in front of Amara. The woman yelled at the incoming problem. Alla reacted quickly by jumping over her fellow Varactyl, she then moved to the other side trying to gain control again. Amara wasn't warned when Alla jumped, so being that she couldn't see, she was almost thrown off.

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