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[Padmé's apartment]

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[Padmé's apartment]

Padmè came back from the senators meeting in the afternoon. Usually she would stay for a while and talk with some of the other senators, but instead of doing any of that, she went straight home to check on Amara.

Padmé was very close with Amara and felt it was now her duty to comfort her until she was better. After what Amara had told her last night, she knew Amara couldn't be pushed. She wanted to comfort Amara in any way possible, and let her know that she was protected. Padmé called it her newly developed motherly instincts.

"Amara are you alright?" Padmé walked into the apartment immediately looking for the young Jedi.

When she received no response she became quite worried. She waited a few more seconds still not hearing anything. She then set her things down on the ground before looking in all the rooms.

Her worry was for nothing when she eventually found Amara asleep in her room. Her hands were bandaged up and she bruising on her face still fresh, but slightly better.

Padmé walked in to the room inching towards the sleeping female. She skimmed the rest of her body seeing that she was shivering slightly. Taking a blanket that was nearby she then covered Amara seeing her shivers slowly stop.

When she realized Amara was alright Padmé then backed away and exited the room. Once she closed the door behind her she made her way to the room she and Anakin shared, now changing her clothes into something more comfortable.


[Amara's Dream]

Within the darkness that was Amara's mind, she tried to regain consciousness. She felt her eyes were opened yet everything was pitch black.

"Is anyone here! Hello?" She whispered walking into a room after now being able to see. Looking outside the window of the room she saw lava down below. She wondered where she could have been.

She had never been here before, so why was her mind pulling up a vision of this place. The lava that surrounded the planet gave off a red glow that she didn't like.

As she continued to walk forward on the strange planet, she soon noticed a door coming up. The door began to hiss as it opened up itself to show another room containing many battle droids. The view frightened Amara as she readied herself reaching down to grab her lightsaber.

She tried to grab the weapon but realized she touched nothing. She eyebrows furrowed as she looked down to see that her saber wasn't there. She then patted herself down to realize she was weaponless.

To know that she had nothing to protect herself, she decided her only option was to hide and avoid being see until she could think of a plan of action. 

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