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When Amara woke up she was at the Jedi temple. Her eyes tiredly opened as she tried to figure out what was going on around her. Her body was in terrible pain but she knew she couldn't stay there.

She looked around seeing that her masters lightsaber was next to her, as well as Rocket's helmet. This only meant that she wasn't dreaming. Pain hit her, but she needed to keep going.

Getting her footing, she was ready to stand up and find help when she abruptly stopped looking at the horrifying scene in front of her.

Dead bodies. Hundreds of dead bodies surrounded her.

These were the bodies of those that used to be the residents of the Jedi temple. Children, Adults and troopers alike spread out, dead around her. She breathed out slowly, feeling sick to her stomach, when looking at those that use to be her friends, lying around her lifeless.

Her feet shifted out slightly, but stopped when she hit something hard. Looking down she noticed her foot had hit a dead female Jedi that happened to have died right there. The fallen Jedi's eyes were still opened as they stared at Amara.

Amara's hand quickly covered her mouth as she breathed out hearing her own silent cries. She began to scoot back quickly, trying she could to get away from the body. Her own body eventually hit a pillar behind her as she laid against it.

Her body was going numb. She couldn't take so much death around her. Her heart was hurting, all of these people that surrounded her were killed for no reason. How could this have happened?

Who could have done this, and why?

If all these Jedi had been killed, she wondered if this meant every Jedi in the galaxy was being killed. She then thought of Rita. Quickly she reached in her pocket to grab what looked like a communicator.

She had promised Rita she would bring it to communicate with her while she was on her mission with Master Plo. Now she just wanted to use it to make sure Rita was alive and well.

"Rita?" Amara called out to her friend. Her hands shook as she tried to keep them steady enough to make the call. She waited a few moments still receiving no response.

"Rita please...Just let me know you are alright. I'm at the Jedi temple, and everyone is dead." Amara tried again calling out to her friend. She needed to make sure she was safe. Still received no response, which had her beginning to believe the worst.

"Rita!" She yelled out in frustration not taking anymore time to wait. Was she dead? Did the troopers get her too? She held the communicator in her hand before chucking it across to a nearby wall hearing the pieces shatter on the ground.

She raised her hand to wipe her tears off her face afterwards. She then sat there wondering what to do next. Her hands were in pain as she looked down to see if she had injured herself. When she looked at her hands though it seems her palms seemed darker.

She slowly stood up walking to the light that shined from the window. Then taking a look down at her hands she saw that they were stained with vibrant red blood. Blood?

Her masters blood.

"No..." She began trembling beginning to relive the events that happened on Cato Neimoidia. She knew she wasn't safe here. Especially in this state she was in.

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