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[Jedi Temple]

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[Jedi Temple]

Amara was seated on the floor outside of the Jedi council room waiting for Anakin and Obi-Wan now that the meeting with her was over.

Her head rested in her hands as she tried to figure out why the council wouldn't listen to her. What did it take to be on the council? Why was it that her words meant nothing to them.

It frustrated her. She was worried about the future, and what if whatever happens could have been prevented if they had just listened to her words and took into consideration what she said.

"Why won't they listen?" She spoke in her hands trying to calm down. She felt like everyone doubted her.

Her head rose up when she sensed a sudden anger within the room. She wanted to know what it was but knew that she certainly couldn't go back in there. Especially with how she left earlier. Her master has called back to her, yet she completely ignored him.

She couldn't decide to go back after that.

The doors soon opened after a while to show all the Jedi masters finally coming out, walking their different ways throughout the temple. Some of the council members gave Amara looks, yet she couldn't decipher what the expressions they gave off meant.

When master Plo came out though, he immediately went to check on his young Padawan. Amara stared at him with an apologetic look. His hand extended towards her immediately helping her up. His hands were then put on either side of her shoulders.

"Are you alright, young one?" He knew she wasn't, but waited for her to say this truth. She just wanted them to listen and that didn't happen.

"Yes master. Thank you for calling the meeting for me, but I'm sorry about my behavior afterwards." She apologized. Her goal wasn't to embarrass him she just really wanted to help, yet she didn't do anything she was meant to.

"Amara it's alright. I'm sorry they did not listen today. Just give them time."  He said engulfing her in a comforting hug, one that she took with open arms. He told her to meet later for training soon after, which she agreed to. He then went his separate ways walking down the Jedi temple to his next destination.

Anakin and Obi-Wan came out as the last two Jedi in the room. Amara had patiently decided to wait for them in hopes of talking about what happened after she left. Instead of stopping once coming out though, they sped right past her leaving her behind.

"Wait!" She callee out to them doing a double take before running towards them trying to keep up with the men.

After she eventually caught up with the two men she kept a steady pace behind them. All three of them then continued to walk down the steps from the upper levels of the temple. Amara grabbed Obi-Wan's shoulder causing him to look at her. She just wanted to know why they were in such a hurry.

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