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Anakin's mind was clouded during his fight. He still fought forcibly and with plenty of anger towards his master but deep down, he couldn't believe what he had did only moments ago.

He hurt Amara and then left her there where she could have died. He knew she was still alive, but would she ever forgive him? He couldn't lose her too. He had only pushed her away with his actions.

His anger increased. The frustration made him want to scream out as his current situation, but it all showed in his fight. The anger that had radiated off of him was seen with full force.

His friendship with Obi-Wan was over, it didn't matter in the slightest. In Anakin's eyes he felt that Obi-Wan was able to turn both Amara and Padmè against him. He felt that Obi-Wan always held him back, made him weak. Kept his full potential locked away.

But now without him, he had realized the power that was locked away, and it was more than he could have imagined.

Anakin sneered as he thought about everything, running towards Obi-Wan ready to strike him again.

The two men spun around quickly before clashing their sabers together attempting to see who was the strongest in that moment.

Obi-Wan attempted to strike Anakin but he was able to duck, missing the attack. Obi-Wan stumbled after the mess up. Anakin took advantage of this moment raising his foot up to kick Obi-Wan in the face.

Obi-Wan groaned out grabbing his mouth in pain as he backed up while Anakin stalked over to him ready to attempt to kill him once again.


Amara was on the ground trembling. Sweat coated her body. Blood from her cuts mixed with the sweat that dropped down her face. She was burning up as well as going in and out of consciousness. Yet she tried her hardest to keep herself awake. She would continuously just shake her head hoping to keep herself up.

Her body trembled as she looked down towards her missing arm. The sight frightened her as she stared.

Her wound wasn't bleeding but now it definitely was painful. The numbness she was feeling had now went away. She could feel the extensive pain. She winced in pain every time she tried to move. Eventually she realized the pain was too much to bare at the moment, giving up.

Her injury was nothing like Anakin's missing limb right at the elbow. Her's was completely gone. Anakin had sliced her arm off starting at the base pit of her arm. The side of her body seemed strangely light. She almost felt herself leaning to the side.

"Little Mara!" A mechanical voice exclaimed entering the factory. With a dazed look she was able to turn her attention towards the entrance seeing C3PO walk into the room.

He tried to make it to her as fast as his legs could carry him. She looked towards him breathing in and out a few times watching as he stood above her.

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