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"Amara, what are you doing?" Anakin wondered, his lightsaber still pushing forcibly against hers. Her eyes could only stare at him as she attempted to block him from coming any closer.

"Anakin this isn't you. Please stop." Amara begged trying to reach the light that had to have been somewhere inside him. But still he only looked with darkness. He shook his head in disagreement, ready to speak again.

"This is what's best for both of you Amara, now move!" He yelled backing away from the stand off, drawing his lightsaber away.

Amara stood back as well seeing what he meant by his words. Her eyes followed his hand, watching it immediately raise and Amara's body followed hovering in the air. A gasp then escaped her lips.

"Anakin let her go!" Obi-Wan held his hand out ready to grab her with the force as well. A smirk appeared in Anakin's face directed at Obi-Wan.

Amara's body was held in the air, staying there by both men, but in the end Anakin's power had taken over in this moment. Her body flew towards the ship that was still stationary in the distance.

Her back slammed against the ship first with a bang, the wind being knocked out of her, she then fell to the ground, groaning in pain. She was no longer able to move, trying to take in the pain she was feeling.

Obi-Wan's eyes widened seeing that Anakin was easily able to try and hurt Amara. That wasn't like him at all. Acting quickly to go and help her, he tried to reach her, but was stopped by Anakin who was ready to attack his next target.

Obi-Wan realized he couldn't get to Amara at this point by how fast Anakin was attempting to strike at him. Trying to get space between the two, Obi-Wan jumped back as Anakin followed behind. The two then clashed backing up towards the factory behind them, leaving Amara behind while she ached in pain.



Yoda decided he would visit the council building and pay the chancellor a much needed visit. As he walked into the main senate room he noticed Palpatine along with Mas Amedda were conversing together silently in the comfort of the large room.

They didn't seem to be nervous at all. It was almost as if they knew someone would be visiting them eventually.

"I hear a new apprentice you have emperor, or should I say Darth Sidious." Yoda spoke making his presence known after knocking over two of the emperors royal guards out. The men had attempted to attack the older master but he prevented them from doing so using the force to slam them into the wall, knocking them unconscious.

"Master Yoda, you survived." Palpatine spoke turning to look at Yoda showing his displeasure. He had hoped Yoda would be one of the first to go, but it seems he forgot who he was really dealing with.

"Surprised?" Yoda wondered staring at the man who had caused the slaughter of many in just a single day, without a care in the world about who he was affecting.

"Your arrogance blinds you, Master Yoda. Now you will experience the full power of the dark side." The emperor spoke slowly raising his hands out in front of him.

He readied his electrical currents, soon seeing the blue lightning release from his hands, aimed at master Yoda.

Yoda was caught of guard by the sudden attack. His eyes widened in shock as he prepared for the impact. Once the lighting hit him, he then flew back towards the wall, slamming against it. As he then fell to the ground his eyes closed.

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