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[Polis Massa]

Amara was sitting in the infirmary hours after everything had cooled down. She couldn't get used to the strange heavy feeling that now weighted down her body.

The silver appendage almost didn't feel natural. She continued to move her fingers watching the movements be very slow with the sounds of gears moving underneath. Droids eventually came in to check her vitals once more, as well as make sure everything was comfortable for her.

"Alright you're good to go. But you must be careful. It may take a little time to get use to the feeling but after a while you should be fine. Also it is important to inform you that even though the anesthesia has worn off the feeling of nausea still might be there. " The medical droid spoke waiting for Amara to nod at everything that was being said.

After seeing if Amara has any questions, the droid then proceeded to leave the room. As soon as the droid left, Obi-Wan was waiting outside the room, ready to talk to the medical professional.

"Is she alright? Anything I need to know beforehand?"

"She should be fine. She suffered lot's of mental trauma though, it will effect her greatly. Because of this it's best to be hesitant of certain questions. They could trigger panic attacks. If she continues to suffer panic attacks of a high degree, it's imperative to get her back to the medical center to decide the next steps." The droid finished looking towards Amara once more then hovering away down the center.

Once Obi-Wan was sure he was alone he stared at the door once more, taking a risk as he walked in.

He noticed that she continued to stare at the blank wall in front of her, but her eyes were void of any type of emotion. She still looked as if she was tired. All she needed was a long sleep.

When she heard the door slide open, she looked up wondering who it could be. As she saw Obi-Wan's face show up, her eyes immediately fell, looking towards the ground.

"What do you want?" She spoke to him, uninterested in anything he had to truly say. She hoped he would take the hint, and just leave yet he began to make his way over to her.

"I just had a question for you." Obi-Wan spoke continuing to walk near her. As he made his way to stand in front of her, he watched as she visibly tensed up.

"And what might that be?" She said still refusing to look his way waiting for him to speak so he could then leave.

"Did you know you were with child this entire time, Amara?" He wondered looking at her stomach seeing how she wasn't showing just yet. She thought about everything she had been through before nodding slowly.

She knew she carried this baby yet she continued to put herself in danger. She was ashamed. She could only imagine how she would feel if she had lost her child.

"It seems the force that surrounds us gave me the ability to feel the life growing inside of me...a child that will be born in a galaxy full of hatred. I had hoped the war would be over before they were born, but it seems they will here during the worst of it all." She smiled sadly.

Obi-Wan thought about how rough it must have been with her back on Mustafar. He felt even worse realizing how injured she had become through the recent events. He tried to shake out the negative thoughts of losing her. He was just thankful she was alive.

"...Is the father a Jedi?" He wondered taking a seat next to her. He wanted to know in hopes of contacting whoever it was. He wanted to help her in anyway possible. Attachment was forbidden but just like Anakin she broke that code.

Now none of it mattered. He just wanted her to be alright and not be alone. There was no denying the fact that once she was free to leave, she would take that chance. Even if he wanted to protect her, he wasn't certain that she would let him.

Betrayal♕[Star Wars] {Book 2}{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now