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Amara and Obi-Wan eventually found Rocket waiting by a set of ships on the first platform of the civilization. This happened to have been the same place there were at when they first arrived for Grievous.

He was still shooting at oncoming droids but was able to stop when he noticed the two Jedi making their way over to him quickly.

"I was beginning to think you had died." He spoke relieved. He backed up away from the battle to close in on them then removing his helmet as he approached Amara with his weapon in tact. There wasn't a scratch on him.

"Never! You're starting to lose faith in me aren't you?" She yelled going up to him smiling. Amara watched his arms open for her knowing she would want to hug him. As she came up close to him, she then engulfed him in a hug with her arm that was closest to him, glad that he was safe.

"Of course not, milday." He chuckled hugging her back. As he took in her presence he then realized that her face was all bloody with small gashes. His eyes widened focusing on her intently.

"What happened to your face? You are bleeding." He grabbed her arm already pulling her back to find a medic. She laughed stopping him in his tracks to pull him back. They didn't have time for that.

"Don't even worry about it. We have more important things to focus on." She spoke ready to leave. Her footsteps were inching away from Obi-Wan, but realized she couldn't leave without saying goodbye to him.

Backtracking, she immediately engulfed him in a hug. The closeness no longer strange like it was when they had just met each other. They had been through so much together in the recent years. That hug didn't just mean 'stay safe', it meant 'I love you."

He hugged her back before feeling her let go but instead of completely letting go, her hands only lowered to grab his own hand tightly.

"Be safe here Obi-Wan. You better return home without a single scratch on you. Unlike me that is..." She reminded him pointing to her own face feeling pain course through her still. She watched a smile appear across his face as he backed up slightly knowing she had to go.

"Understood. You be safe too, because the sky can be a dangerous place." He chuckled looking around at the open air. He never liked flying.

As he finished saying his last words Amara and Rocket were already making their way towards the ships. She turned around once more to say goodbye to Obi-Wan before entering her ship.

"I'm always safe." She laughed taking a seat in her cruiser watching as the hatch door began closing. As soon as the controls and buttons began lighting up she then received a transmission from Rocket. It was the coordinates to her next destination.

She quickly put them in as her ship began to rise. She began to take off first with Rocket right behind her. Eventually the two were now leaving Utapau and now entering hyperspace to go and meet master Plo Koon.



Mace Windu, Kit Fisto and two other Jedi arrived at the Chancellor's chambers after the sun went down. They felt it would be the best time to confront him, seeing as they no longer knew who they could trust.

The chancellor was relaxing when he sensed their presence as intruders. Turning around he fixed his appearance now greeting the suspicious Jedi who entered. He gave them a smile yet he did not receive them back. Their faces were void of emotion.

"In the name of the galactic senate Republic, you're under arrest chancellor." Master Windu ordered taking a step inside the room. Once his orders had been spoken, he, along with the other Jedi unleashed their lightsabers ready to handle the situation by force.

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