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[Grievous's Ship, above Coruscant]

In the hallways of General Grievous's ship soon resided three Jedi and a Chancellor. The two male Jedi could only look around in shock as they realized they had become caught in what was a Ray Shield barrier that prevented them from leaving.

The female Jedi on the other hand seemed to be handling the situation in another way. Her feet continued to stay crossed as she relaxed on the floor not even believing it was worth it to try and get out. They were stuck.

"Wait a minute. how did this happen? We're smarter than this." Obi-Wan questioned as they stood there trapped in the ray shields. Turning around her looked towards the chancellor who could only look around in confusion.

Obi-Wan was about to ask if the chancellor was alright with everything going on and such, but nothing ever came out as the woman on the floor was now speaking over him.

"Apparently not. Smarter people would have realized our situation better, and probably would have been more careful." Amara spoke from the ground avoiding any eye contact with the others.

"I say patience." Anakin spoke to Obi-Wan ignoring Amara's saying.

"Patience?" Obi-Wan wondered confused looking around trying to understand what patience was going to do in this situation.

"He means R2. He should be here in a few moments since we called him and then he should be able to get us out of here. But me, I say there are cameras everywhere. The minute R2 heroically comes to save the day, he'll be captured too." Amara bluntly said shutting down the entire plan.

Obi-Wan noticed the annoyance in her voice walking over to stand beside her seated figure. He then placed a hand on her head feeling her look up towards him.

"What's the matter with you?" Obi-Wan wondered but Amara didn't want to speak on the whole ordeal once again right now. It would only start another argument, besides what would her words mean. Against the Chancellor right now, her words held no weight.

"Why does it matter what's wrong with me? Clearly what I think means nothing to some." Amara sighed refusing to look up at her brother, but she could sense that he was staring at her.

He wanted to say something but a sudden banging noise stopped him from speaking any words.

Just then a hatch opened on the side of the wall opened revealing the blue and silver droid, R2. Whatever he was doing seemed to have freighted him as he came in squealing and speeding, unable to slow his actions, then slamming into a nearby wall.

 Whatever he was doing seemed to have freighted him as he came in squealing and speeding, unable to slow his actions, then slamming into a nearby wall

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"See no problem." Anakin spoke gaining Amara's attention but she only rolled her eyes, staying in her spot. Her body then felt strange as she looked elsewhere.

"Just give it a minute..." Amara waited getting comfortable as she looked at R2.

Just then multiple droids appeared into the hall surrounding R2 making it so he couldn't release the captives from Ray Shields. Amara chuckled in annoyance looking up at the two Jedi with a look of knowing.

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