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"Rita, May the force be with you!" Amara yelled out to her friend as they began walking in different directions. The two women had spend some time together, but soon Amara knew it was time to part ways.

Rita was always there when Amara needed her, and right now she needed her more than anything as she thought about what transpired on Grievous's ship.

The sunset was beginning to set now, and as Amara waved goodbye to her friend that was going the way to the Jedi temple, she could only stare at the beautiful brown eyes and smile that Rita possessed.

"May the force be with you, Mara!" Rita smiled back her friend before winking towards the fellow Jedi knowing where her next destination was. Her footsteps were still aimed towards the Jedi temple though.

While Rita was on the way to the Jedi temple, Amara was to go to Boba's home that he had resided in. Located on the outskirts of Coruscant's main city, this way he could stay out of the Jedi's way.

This living arrangement was under no circumstances permanent. In fact he only risked his freedom for Amara. He wanted to be near her, and this was the only way to ensure that it was possible. Besides both he and Amara knew that eventually he would be leaving to travel through the galaxy in hopes of soon becoming a bounty hunter.

Amara was soon looking up at the home knowing that she wanted to infiltrate it, and hopefully get the jump on Boba. Going through a window on the side of the home she was then inside, now trying to sneak around and find her love.

Going up towards the second level of the apartment, she tried to understand why she could find him. Going all throughout the house though she finally did. He was standing on the balcony of the home staring at the city in the distance.

He was never at the balcony, so to see him there now was strange. He sighed out silently in deep concentration, and Amara could sense a feeling she hadn't felt in a long time.


She could hear his silent breathing, and his steady heartbeat. She didn't want to scare him anymore. She was drawn to the idea of just comforting him. Walking up to him, she then grabbed him from behind laying on his back comfortably. He then released the breath he had been holding in.

His body tensed when he felt Amara hold on to him. He knew how her hands and body felt against his own so he wasn't worried in the slightest that it could have been a stranger.

Closing his eyes, a smile made its way to his face. His body then lowered and turned so that he could face Amara. She tried to back up to give him some space from his sudden action, but instead he only pulled her closer, keeping a firm grip on her waist in order to lift her up.

"I heard you enter through the side window...you should learn to be more quiet." Boba mentioned leaning his forehead on hers. She pulled back staring at his brown eyes giving a playful look.

"You cheated."

"How could I have cheated, I don't have any powers to cheat against you...you are just too loud." He teased her as he walked back into the house with her still holding on to him.

While he walked her back into the home, she could only take in his features while playing with his hair. His hair had in fact gotten longer, and his curls were evident and beautiful. He was suppose to be a clone of Jango Fett's DNA. Yet he was so different.

Betrayal♕[Star Wars] {Book 2}{Completed}Where stories live. Discover now