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Amara and Obi-Wan stood their ground waiting for the droids to attack. General Grievous laughed slightly as the Jedi tried to figure out who would be attacking first.

Amara tried to take a step forward, but Obi-Wan raised his hand out as a way to tell her to stop. She gave him a look of confusion, watching the droids come over to them.

The electro-droids had their staffs in hand, and were now gradually taking footsteps towards them. Obi-Wan soon put his hand down from in front of me, now raising it up in the air.

Amara's eyes followed seeing that he was using the force for something. She didn't have a moment to breathe as a giant piece of the ceiling suddenly fell on the droids before them. Taking out a nice amount.

"Well you have said that." Amara sighed, walking up to slice the heads off the few droid that were still moving from under the debris.

Destroyer droids rolled from behind Grievous as well as more advanced battle droids, coming towards the Jedi, wanting the chance to attack them.

Their weapons rose up into the air, and their blasters were about to shoot, leaving the Jedi anticipating the battle now.

"No! Back away! I will deal with this Jedi slime myself." Grievous yelled out his orders coming towards the front. He waved his hands away as a way to motion the other droids to stop what they were currently doing. The droids then immediately backed up waiting for new orders to be given to them.

"It's your move then." Amara spoke holding her hand out before placing it over her chest while bowing to him. He only cackled at her response as he unhooked his cloak he had been wearing yet he didn't take it off. It just stayed on him unhinged.

This peaked Amara's interest, as she looked closely, hearing the clanking of metal and the clanking of Grievous' gears. He soon shifted his posture now standing up straight, his hands then reached on both sides of the cloak to pull something out.

"You fools, I've been trained in your Jedi arts by Count Dooku." He announced taking out four lightsabers, igniting them all one by one. His cloak then fell to the ground and he was now taking his first step towards the Jedi.

Grievous' metal claw like hands then began to move in circles that were faster than Amara could even see. As they continued to spin the lightsabers burned the ground underneath him. He continued to slice the ground on both sides beside him, walking forward to the Jedi as they slowly backed up waiting for him to start the actual attack.

Amara took a running start, going towards him and his spinning blades. Once she was inches from the blades, she then jumped behind him hoping to have a successful attack from her position. Grievous assumed Amara would do such a move readying himself for the simultaneous attacks from both Jedi.

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