chapter no.1

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sleepovers and schools out

Kelly filled in the last bubble of her Honors History test and sighed, flipping the packet to the front page. She picked up the test and brought it to the front of the classroom, handing it to Mrs. Mulligan, the History teacher. Mrs. Mulligan took the test gladly, exchanging it for Kelly's phone. Kelly thanked her and walked back to her seat in the second row, checking the messages on her phone.

She smiled as she saw the new message from her genius best friend who had finished the test a half an hour before Kelly had.

sierra: i can't believe our last final of freshman year is over! ITS SUMMER!

kelly: ikr that went crazy fast! but now there's more time for us!

sierra: more time for you and andrew you mean *wink wink*

kelly: for the last time i don't like your brother!

Kelly turned to glare at her best friend who returned it with a cocky grin. Kelly huffed and looked away, back at her phone screen.

sierra: i told him you wanted to hang out this summer and he said he'd text you

Kelly was shocked but regained composure as soon as she remembered that Andrew didn't have her phone number. She tapped her response quickly and waited for a reply.

kelly: he doesn't have my phone number

sierra: about that...

Oh no, Kelly thought. She turned around quickly to see a nodding Sierra who pointed at the phone sitting on her desk, gesturing for Kelly to check her phone. Kelly anxiously unlocked her phone to see what she feared she would see.

sierra: i gave him your phone number , duh!

The bell rang and the entire class celebrated, all except Kelly who picked up her things and silently left the class. Sierra and Kelly walked side by side, talking about their plans for the summer when a tall figure appeared beside Kelly.

"Hey there, Kelly." Andrew winked, his short blonde hair and sense of humor made it hard to resist him, but Kelly controlled herself. She always controlled herself.

"Hey, Andrew." Kelly greeted with a smile.

"So, Kel, I was wondering if you wanted to come over to spend the night tonight?" Sierra asked with a pleading look in her eye. Without hesitation Kelly responded.

"Duh, Sierra! I love spending the night at your house. Although usually Andrew isn't there." Kelly said, waiting for Andrew's reaction.

"I'm hurt, Kelly. I'll be there. Just for you." Andrew blew her a mock kiss and went off to be with his baseball friends.

"Oh how you guys flirt. It makes my fangirl heart happy." Sierra sighed, looking off into the distance for extra dramatic effect.

"No, no, no. There will be no fangirl-ing over your brother and I. We're friends thats all. Plus he's dating Amanda, isn't he?" Kelly asked. Sierra's expression grew dark and mysterious.

"Speak of the devil." She muttered under her breath as the head cheerleader came walking over to the two girls.

Amanda wrapped Sierra in a tight hug and Sierra glared at Kelly over Amanda's shoulder. Kelly had to stifle her laugh with a cough as Sierra was released.

"Sierra! You look ah-mazing as usual. How are you?" Amanda was all too peppy for Kelly's taste so she told Sierra she was going to clean out her locker and walked away.

Kelly never put anything in her locker so naturally, she headed in the complete opposite direction of it and ran (literally ran) into someone. She toppled to the ground, landing on her butt.

"Oh, sorry. I was just–"

"Don't apologize. You always have been a bit of a klutz." A male voice said. Kelly looked up to see Andrew smiling down at her, Kelly laughed and glared at him at the same time.

"Help me up, loser." She commanded, holding her hand out. Andrew tugged on her hand lightly and Kelly went flying towards him, bumping into him again. "Hey!" She yelled, balancing herself on his chest, since she couldn't reach his shoulders.

"What?" Andrew smirked, then walked away, saying how he'd see her that night. Kelly smiled knowing that she would indeed.


Kelly knocked on the Williams' door with her signature knock, signaling that she had arrived. She smiled as she heard the thundering footsteps coming down the stairs and seconds after the front door swung open.

"You're here!" Sierra yelled tackling me in a hug. "Okay so the reason I wanted you to sleep over tonight was because my mom is going to meet my dad at some fancy restaurant and I didn't want Andrew to babysit me and Zach so I told you to come because then it's all of us and not just me." Sierra said without even taking a breath, she doubled over to catch her breath as Kelly entered the house with her Hollister bag (aka her sleepover items) in her hand. Again she was tackled with a hug as little Zach held onto her legs.

"Hi, Zachy! How are you?" Kelly crouched down, overjoyed to see the little bundle of energy again.

"Good! Come on! Mommy's this way!" Zachary tugged on my hand and led Kelly to the living room where Mrs. Williams and Andrew sat talking. "Mommy! Kelly's here!" Kelly smiled and waved as Mrs. Williams saw her.

"Oh, Hello, dear!" Mrs. Williams called me over. Kelly walked over and gave her a hug.

"Hi, Mrs. Williams. How are you?" Kelly asked politely. Mrs. Williams smiled kindly.

"Doing well, dear. And you?" She asked Kelly.

"I'm doing amazing, as always."

"I'm so glad you're here, darling." She leaned closer to me. "I didn't want to leave Andrew in charge of the kids." Andrew looked up from his phone.

"Hey!" He laughed, clicking away at his little game. Kelly stuck her tongue out at him and he did the same, causing Mrs. Williams to chuckle.

"Well I should be going. Have fun you guys!" She yelled at her other two kids. They yelled their responses and she thanked Kelly again, kissing her on the cheek as she walked out of the door into the garage. As the door shut, Andrew somehow appeared beside Kelly on the couch.

"Let's have some fun." Andrew smirked and led Kelly into the next room.

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