chapter no.22

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back to school and babying

"School is today." Kelly mutters tiredly as she climbs into the backseat of Andrew's car. Asher decided to take the first day off to unpack his things in Kelly's house. Sierra groaned her agreement from the passengers seat. The car ride was awkwardly silent after that, no one said anything, and Kelly could feel the tension in the air. The only sound during the entire ride was an awkward cough from Andrew.

Weird, this never happened–

before you and andrew broke up? imagine that

so you can interrupt my thoughts now too?

They finally got to school, but still it remained silent as they got out of the car and headed towards the front door. When Sierra's hand reached the doorknob, all three of them heard the bell ring.

"We better get to class. No need to be late on the first day." Kelly chided, sliding through the small open crack between the doors. She ran with her brown leathery school bag to her first class, as did the others.

Kelly entered into her first period class, journalism, a few minutes before the late bell rang. In those few minutes she introduced herself to the teacher and some of the students and prepared her workspace. The late bell rang in the air.

"Hello, students, and welcome back to a new year at Jackson High School. I hope you found your first period classes easily, if not, please see the head administrator Linda McNeezio. Have a great year." Mrs. Alethia, the school's principal, said over the loudspeaker. When the intercom message stopped, Ms. Bird began to speak.

"Welcome to journalism class, my name is Ms. Bird," She tapped her name that was written on the whiteboard, "this class will teach you how to use your creativity in the form of writing so that you can convey your emotions..."

Kelly zoned out of Ms. Bird's speech, and as Kelly looked around the class, it seemed that most of the other kids had, too. When she finally finished, she told all of them to get to work on their first creative writing assignment, write a short clip of what the first day of school meant to them. They each found a computer in the back of the class and set to work, typing silently for the next forty-seven minutes.


"Thus, you will give me this synopsis of my rules and why you must follow them by this Friday at the beginning of class or you will receive a zero. You are dismissed." Mr. Kleiner, the chemistry teacher, finished explaining their assignment just as the bell rang. The class gathered their belongings and exited the class, glad to be free of the boring lecturer. Sierra appeared next to Kelly, chemistry was the first class of the day that the two best friends had together. Which was sad for them because it was third period, which meant two periods in a row of not seeing each other in class.

"Mr. Kleiner can really drone on." Sierra complained to her best friend.
Kelly nodded and dumped her chemistry notebook and her sketchpad in her locker. This year, Kelly had decided to utilize her locker so that her back wasn't dying by the end of the school day. 

"It's time for nutrition break!" Sierra said excitedly. Nutrition break was a fifteen minute period between third and fourth period, but it was most commonly known as 'snack time'.

"Not for us," Kelly sighed, "since we missed pictures because we were in Mexico, we have to make them up today. Yippee." But neither Kelly nor Sierra was very excited about it. Sierra groaned and tossed her head back in regret.

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