chapter no.23

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studying and stupid emotions

After their fourth day back to school, and Kelly's third full day back (stupid one-day-illness), they had already been assigned an important test the very next day. AP World History sure works you hard.

Andrew and Sierra were coming over to Kelly's house to study for this test, since they were all in the same period for the class. Asher, who had never taken an honors or AP course in his life, was studying for his regular history test with some new jock buddies of his.

Kelly smiled at the thought of Asher hanging out with his new friends. It was so weird that Asher had found friends so fast, good weird of course, because even though Kelly was already friends with Sierra and Andrew, it took her a long time to develop more friends than just those two. Well, real friends that is. Plenty of people wanted to be Kelly's "friends" because of her money. It was tough sniffing out the real friends from the fake.

A knock on the door crashed Kelly's train of thought. She opened it, grinning crazily at who was there.

Sierra and Andrew walked into her house and found their way to the game/study room. It had beanbag chairs and blankets everywhere, a computer sitting on a desk next to one wall, and directly opposite the computer wall was a huge cabinet wall, filled with a variety of different board games or mind games or active games (like twister!).

The three plopped down on beanbag chairs, each with a different color. As Kelly sat on her pink beanbag, she started to spread out the workbooks and notes and the textbook across the hardwood floor. She pulled out her Apple MacBook Air and set it down gently next to her workbook. Sierra and Andrew both pulled out their notes and workbooks and looked at each other.

"Let's get to studying." Kelly beamed and set to work.


"Geez, this is complicated stuff." Kelly mused. She took a sip of her hot sweet tea out of her pink flower patterned mug. Sierra agreed and flipped a page in her work book.

"Okay, so what was the reason for the first world war?" Sierra quizzed. Andrew looked confused and starting flipping through his textbook quickly, but Kelly remembered hearing about this from Mrs. Palm.

"Wasn't it because that Frank Fernidad guy was assassinated by the Serbian nationalist?" Kelly asked, she didn't remember every detail, just the major points.

"Yeah, except his name was Franz Ferdinand, the archduke of Austria-Hungary. Basically that made the European military powers mad and they declared war. And the Serbian nationalist was named Gavrilo Princip." Sierra corrected her, Kelly laughed at her best friend.

"Doesn't seem complicated to you." Kelly laughed. Her best friends smarts combined with her humility was one of the many reason's she adored Sierra. Sierra blushed and kept asking random questions to Kelly and Andrew. The few questions that neither of them knew, Sierra would explain thoroughly before asking yet another question.

"I have to use the restroom. I'll be right back." Sierra said, then she dashed out of the room and down the hallway. Now it was just Kelly and Andrew alone.

Kelly laughed at her best friend.

"That sister of yours." Kelly said. Andrew smiled and chuckled.

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