chapter no.16

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crabs and cancún

Kelly rushes out of the plane, with Asher on her heels. As soon as she's off the plane she almost screams with joy. She's officially on Mexican soil. Her first time out of the United States.

"This is amazing!" Kelly says, admiring the outside view. The ocean was a crisp blue and the plants were a bright, tropical kind of green. Everything around them was a bright color, as if Cancún didn't know the meaning of the word dull. Asher nodded his head as he admired the tropics outside.

"Kelly!" Let's go to the hotel!" Sierra called to her. Sierra nodded her head and almost ran off without saying goodbye to Asher.

"Hopefully I'll see you around." I smiled. He handed me a slip of paper.

"Open this when you're at your hotel. Bye, Kelly." Asher said, he took off his beanie, revealing his gorgeous brown locks, and walked towards a man holding a sign that read 'McClean'. Kelly darted towards the Williams family.

Their designated driver was an american, who apparently has been working for the airport for most of her adult life. She had long blonde hair, an attractive smile, and a pleasant attitude, there was nothing about her that didn't make Kelly jealous.

She dropped them off at their hotel, which was gorgeous. The manicured grounds had an irreplaceable view of the ocean, and there was bright and lively plant life sprouting everywhere you turned. They made their way up to their room on the third floor of the resort. Mr. Williams placed the keycard inside the metallic socket and the door clicked open. Kelly gasped when she made it inside. The far wall was made of only glass and it had a fantastic view of the ocean from above. You could see the plants and the trees surrounding the courtyard below. It was an utterly gorgeous view.

"Woah." Sierra agreed with my thoughts. She admired the view before turning to her best friend. "I'm so glad you came with me!" Sierra grabbed her best friend and crushed her in a hug. Truth be told they were both beyond excited to be there with each other, neither was more excited than the other. "Who was that guy you were talking to on the plane?" Sierra said a little too loudly, but Kelly shrugged it off.

"Just some guy. We had some pretty
funny conversations though. He's a crack up, but I only think of him as a friend." Kelly assured her. She sighed like that was something she had wanted reassurance on, which it probably was.

"Then can I have him then?" Sierra asked. "He was cute." Kelly laughed at her best friend. Sierra didn't talk about guys a lot but when she did she was passionate.

"What about Eric?" Kelly asked, suddenly nervous. Had Eric told her about the kiss? Did she know? Was she suspicious? Is that why she wasn't 'with' Eric anymore?

"Oh, yeah." Sierra laughed.

Good, Kelly thought. She just forgot, she doesn't know...yet.

"Anyways, what's our first activity?" Kelly asks excitedly. Sierra laughed and Mrs. Williams gave a sleepy smile.

"Well, I'm taking a nap. You can feel free to wander the resort." She told them, Kelly smiled at her and grabbed Sierra's hand, running them both straight out of the door.


When they were both down to the first floor, they started to tour the grounds. They found a beautiful salt water pool, a grove of plant life with a gazebo in the center, and a peaceful little hill with a bench on top with a perfect view of the ocean. Man this resort was huge.

"This is so cool." Sierra said, running off to the right. Kelly followed behind her, not sure where Sierra was going,
but quite frankly, she wasn't sure if Sierra knew where Sierra was going.

They ended up in a sandy pit with a net in the center. Kelly screamed with delight.

"A beach volleyball court!" Kelly yelled and grabbed a volleyball from the basket. She started bumping it up repeatedly, practicing her control. Her last one she hit up very high then she jumped up and hit it straight into the sand on the opposite side of the net. "Hey, I'm not bad!" Kelly exclaimed excitedly. Sierra laughed and walked over.

"You're still great!" Sierra laughed. Her best friend had always been on the varsity volleyball team as long as she could remember, and as long as Kelly had a game, Sierra was there cheering her on.

They played a set together, laughing and cheering and yelling sarcastic trash talk to the other. In the end, Kelly won 21-4, but in all fairness, Sierra had never played competitive volleyball in her life, and Kelly has never let anyone win against her because of sympathy.

The two explored the resort and found hidden places until it was almost dark. The beautiful Mexican sunset was so stunning that Sierra and Kelly both fell to a halt when they saw it. They gazed at the beautiful pink, purple, and gold clouds that reflected the suns light.

It took them many minutes to finally get back to finding their way back to the room. They wandered through new hidden areas and found more attractions that they would soon visit, but eventually they found themselves back in the lobby of the beautiful resort.

As they rode up to the third floor (the highest floor) in the elevator, they laughed and chatted about how excited they were to visit those hidden alcoves that they discovered. The girls had literally spent the day just walking around and uncovering new places to hang out and explore, it was a dream come true for the two adventurers.

"Wait.." Sierra said, suddenly remembering as they reached the second floor. Kelly looked at her confused. "What did that guy give you at the airport?" Kelly remembered Asher handing her an envelope at the airport. She pulled it out of her pocket. She ripped it open and stared at a tiny slip of paper with eleven digits and one word printed on it.

"He gave me..." Kelly just stared at the paper, utterly baffled.

"His phone number?" Sierra said, equally as confused as Kelly.

The reason they're so confused isn't because no one's ever given Kelly their phone number, many guys have. What confused Kelly was that one word written on it. Why this word? Kelly didn't understand, but she intended on finding out.


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