chapter no.13

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harry potter and hitting on me?!

As soon as the lady tied the wristband around Kelly's wrist, Kelly sprinted through the front gates, right into Diagon Alley. She gasped and spun slowly 360 degrees. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Andrew appeared at her side, just as amazed as Kelly was. However, Sierra noticed that Andrew was just amazed at how happy his girlfriend was. Sierra smiled at Eric and they walked into the park.

Kelly walked around excitedly, pointing out attractions and rattling off random facts about Harry Potter.

"That's Gringotts!" Kelly squealed and pointed at a large white building. "There isn't any safer place, except Hogwarts of course!" Kelly quoted and happily ran off to the next attraction. Andrew laughed and ran after her, making sure not to lose her in the crowd. Sierra and Eric did their own thing, talking and wandering around the park, stopping occasionally to grab a themed snack or a souvenir.

"Where are those two?" Eric wondered aloud, glancing around the park for a glimse of Kelly's red hair. He spotted her but didn't say anything, after all, he was here with Sierra. Kelly's french-braided red hair stood next to an extremely tall blonde who had his arm around her. "Let's go to that building over there." Eric suggested, pointing in the direction of the two friends.

"Look, Andrew! We could actually go inside Hogwarts!" Kelly screamed ecstatically and ran towards the crowded entrance. Her petit body squeezed through the crowd of people easily, leaving Andrew standing helplessly at the entrance as he tried to push through.

"Kelly?" Andrew called, finally able to get past the huge crowd snapping pictures at the entrance. He spotted her standing in awe of the huge open area before them.

"This is exactly how I imagined it!" Kelly announced, causing two eleven-year-olds to give Kelly a skeptical look. Kelly ran up the steps two at a time until she reached a big open tower with stairs going up and down. Andrew flinched as a staircase changed course. "They actually change!" Kelly screamed and sprinted up the steps. "This engineering is incredible! How do you get a staircase to move without crumbling? It's impeccable!" Kelly gasped, her inner math nerd coming out. Andrew laughed as the girl ran up and down changing staircases, yelling things at the paintings, or rather, video images, and rattling off facts.

Eventually, Kelly got tired and tried to lean against a wall. Her hand fell through against an thin cloth surface and she fell to the ground, into a different room. Andrew pushed away the fake wall and walked inside, admiring the detail they had put into this hidden room.

"Amazing." Kelly breathed, taking in the sight. "This must be the room of requirement." She commented. "It shows up in a time of need."

"Well we definitely both need some rest. And I need to spend some time with you while you're not sprinting around and pointing out attractions. Not that I don't love your fangirl side." Andrew winked at her and pulled Kelly close to him. He kissed her sweetly on the lips and she smiled, kissing him again. They stood there, kissing, for about thirty seconds before separating.

"We should find the other two so that we can all get dinner or go tour the castle." Kelly suggested, already on her way over to the hidden wall-door-exit. Andrew followed behind her, slowly admiring ever little detail about her.

As he exited the "Room of Requirement" as Kelly had called it, he saw that she was waving at two people above them. There was a brunette with a classic white boy swoosh at the top and another brunette with straight, but perfect, hair. The two took about seven minutes to find their way down the stairs without being changed in direction or walking to the wrong platform. Soon they were all together and walking to another room in the vast castle.

"The Great Hall!" Kelly anounced, taking a seat at the Slytherin table and picking out a few things from the bowls on the tables. Andrew sat next to her on the left side, picking out food for himself and basking in his girlfriend's joy that radiated off of her body. Eric sat to the right of Kelly, with Sierra on his right.

"How have you guys liked this amazing theme park?" Kelly inquired, taking a drink of her pumpkin juice. Andrew smiled as he watched her eat, not even really hearing her question. She caught him staring at her and chuckled at him, taking another bite of food.

"I loved it. This place has so much detail. And it's accurate to the books and not just the movies." Eric commented, biting into his chicken wing.

"Right?" Kelly said excitedly. "I noticed that too! There was a holographic Peeves floated around the corridor earlier!" Sierra laughed at her best friends nerdy comment.

"I just love that I get to be here with all you guys." Sierra shrugged and bit her chocolate frog's head off. Kelly smiled and 'aw'ed her best friend before turning and talking to Andrew.

"Ditto," Andrew whispered to Kelly. "I love spending time with you." He kissed her cheek, which no one else noticed, and went back to eating.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Kelly said in the middle of their dinner.

"I'll go too." Eric suggested, which made Andrew uneasy, but he decided to stay with his sister. Eric and Kelly walked down the corridor trying to find the bathrooms and being unsuccessful for the next four minutes. They finally found it and both went, then attempted to find their way back. Eric and Kelly wandered the halls for another eleven minutes before finally stopping to rest.

"I'm so bad at finding things." Kelly laughed and leaned against a wall.

"I guess you're not a Hufflepuff then." Eric laughed and leaned next to her. Kelly snorted.

"You watched A Very Potter Musical?" She asked through fits of laughter. Eric nodded and grinned.

"It was hilarious." He added.

"I don't find that surprising." Kelly quoted. They both doubled over in laughter. Eric stopped and stared at Kelly, noticing the cute freckles on her cheek and her perfect curly eyelashes. She looked over at him and smiled at him, her eyes meeting his.

He leaned forward and kissed her, and for a moment she kissed him back, but then she pulled away and almost tripped as she retreated backwards.

"We can't do this. I have a boyfriend. You're here with Sierra. I don't like you in that way." Kelly said, shaking her head and her hands. She turned and ran, finding the entrance to the Great Hall surprisingly easily. She entered and took her seat beside Andrew, still shaken up.

"You okay?" Andrew asked, concerned about his girlfriend. Kelly nodded and let out a shaky breath.

"Yeah, fine." She replied.

How the heck am I gonna tell Andrew about that, She thought. Then she shook her head and sighed, deciding on her answer.

Maybe I won't

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