chapter no.18

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hiking and hanging on

Sierra tried her best to process the story calmly, but she couldn't help but fangirl a little bit. Even if her best friend already had a boyfriend, and he's her brother.

"That's so cute! You have so much in common!" Sierra gushed loudly. Kelly slapped a hand over her best friend's mouth. Sierra was mumbling all of her fangirl nonsense from behind Kelly's hand, meanwhile Kelly looked forward to make sure Andrew was hearing none of it.

"You can't say things like that when we're walking right behind my boyfriend." Kelly whisper-hissed at Sierra. Sierra just rolled her eyes.

"I can't help it." She shrugged. Kelly just sighed and kept walking. Then, Sierra gasped. Kelly stopped and turned towards her expectantly. "Kasher! So cute." This time Sierra was careful to whisper, but Kelly still glared at her with a passion.

Another forty five minutes went by with Sierra talking her head off about all of the cute possibilities for Asher and Kelly, and the entire time Kelly was trying to dissuade Sierra to ''ship'' the ''future couple''.

Suddenly, the two emerged in an open clearing, and gasped at what was at the opposite end.

A beautiful waterfall flowed down from a rock formation above. There was a pool of fresh flowing water from the gushing falls, and surrounding the watering hole was a variety of beautiful plant life. It was quite literally the most beautiful thing Kelly had ever seen, nature-wise of course.

"Woah." Sierra breathed, looking at the scene. Kelly thought the same thing. Since this was a do it yourself tour, the Williams and Kelly were the only one's occupying the area.

Andrew was already in his swim trunks and jumping into the freezing waters. Mr. and Mrs. Williams were busy taking a billion pictures of the landscape. Sierra and Kelly grinned at each other and ran towards the water. By the time they had reached it they were fully stripped down into their swimsuits and ready to jump in.

Unlike the water they had previously hiked through, this water was perfectly crisp and clear, without the slightest trace of mud or dirt. Kelly hopped in the frigid water and swam around happily.

Nature's swimming pool, was all Kelly could think as she swam all around the water.

"This place is beautiful!" Sierra yells and cannonballs into the water. She emerges from the water with a horrific look on her face. "It's freezing." She gasps. Kelly laughs at her best friend, but silently agrees. This was definitely not a heated watering hole.

Andrew swam over to Kelly and grabbed her hand, leading her behind a curtain of vines into a beautiful cave. He pressed her against the wall and kissed her.

"I haven't gotten to do that since we got here." He breathed when they separated. Kelly's breath was heavy as she agreed, but she smiled at him. She had definitely missed the feeling of his lips against hers.

She kissed him again, tangling her hands through his hair. He kissed her roughly, but his lips were oh so sweet. It was the best combination.

Kelly swam out of their hidden cave first, to cause no suspicion. She quickly swam over to Sierra, then glanced to make sure that Andrew had emerged and was far away. Though everyone knew that they were dating, they didn't want the rest of the family to know of their little kiss session. It didn't seem right.

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