chapter no.20

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break ups and bad boy

"Kelly we need to talk." Andrew called from behind the door. Hidden from Andrew's view, Kelly cringed. He couldn't have possibly found out, could he have? He is really smart..

Kelly slowly walked out of the room, leaving Sierra sitting on the bed in the dark by herself. Kelly shut the door behind her and looked nervously at Andrew. His expression was pained.

Oh my gosh he did find out, Kelly thought. I'm a terrible person.

"Kelly, I need to tell you something." Andrew said, he stared at the ground looking...guilty? "We need to break up." Andrew shoved the words out of his mouth. Kelly stumbled back, literally, she hit a wall.

"You, what?" Kelly wasn't mad, just shocked. The weird part was, Kelly wasn't relieved that Andrew broke up with her, something inside of her snapped.

"We need to break up. There just isn't a spark anymore." Andrew whimpered, it pained him to hurt Kelly like this, but now she could be happy with Asher.

"Andrew, what are you–"

"I'm sorry, but I just don't like you like that anymore." Andrew insisted, making sure Kelly knew that she was free to be with Asher without any guilt.

Kelly didn't understand the hidden message that Andrew was trying to give her, though she knew there was one.

"Andrew, please." Tears were falling down Kelly's cheeks. Why did she feel this way, even though she loves Asher? Why does she still feel broken hearted?

Because you did like Andrew, just not as much as Asher, so it still hurts, Kelly told herself.

Andrew knew that Kelly was better off without him, so he knew what he had to do to stop her from chasing him.

"I realize that.." Even the words formulating in his head burned him, but he knew he had to say them, for Kelly's sake. "..I still like Crystal." Kelly froze. The tears stopped spilling, she stopped pleading, she stopped moving, her breathing stopped, it seemed as though she had literally been petrified.


Crystal had stolen Andrew from her once and now she was doing it again.

Kelly you love Asher, don't feel angry at Crystal for taking someone that you don't even love, that's selfish. Kelly scolded herself. She started breathing again.

"Ok." Kelly said simply. Her expression said nothing of her emotion. Her breathing was steady and she looked straight ahead, her emotions temporarily switched off. "I hope you two are happy together." She said genuinely. Andrew felt pain as Kelly said that, he knew that it was genuine, she truly had moved on from him. "I have to go."

And Kelly ran out of the room.


Kelly knocked on the door of a huge house. She had gotten that gorgeous chauffeur lady to drive her to Asher's friend's house. Now it was time to tell Asher how she felt.

The door swung open to reveal the familiar brunette, his expression lightened as soon as he laid eyes on her.

"Kelly!" He said excitedly. Kelly threw herself into his arms, in truth, she was happy to see him, but she was still slightly sad about Andrew. "I'm so happy to see you." Asher kissed her forehead.

"I love you, too!" Kelly blurted out, causing Asher's smile to widen. "I never said it earlier but I do!"

Asher kissed her and led her into the house. He gave her a grand tour and introduced her to his friend, Mikey.

"Sup." Was all Mikey said.

"What are you doing here anyways?" Asher asked, though he wasn't complaining at all.

"Oh, well, you should know that when you kissed me earlier, I had a boyfriend, but he broke up with me so now I'm here." Kelly explained. Asher was still smiling. "It was good though because I loved you more and it would have been hard to break up with him because–"

"Because you're too sweet to do anything like that." Asher finished for her. Kelly smiled and nodded. "Well I'm glad you're here." And he kissed her for the third time that day.


Andrew folded his arms across his chest and sat down on the couch. Sierra emerged from the bedroom and glared at him.

"You lied to her." Sierra said straight up. Andrew looked at her and sighed.

"I did." Andrew sighed.

"Bad boy." Sierra scolded. Andrew looked at the ground, so Sierra continued.

"Why?" Sierra didn't understand at all. From what she knew, he didn't know about Asher, plus he didn't seem mad about the situation.

"She wasn't going to be happy if she ended up with me. I had to push her to be with the one she loves." Andrew explained, though he still wasn't happy about it. He did love her, he just didn't say it in time.

"So you do know about Asher." Sierra assumed, Andrew nodded. "So you don't actually like Crystal again?"


"But you know that you're going to have to pretend to now, right?" Sierra informed him, Andrew groaned. He had forgotten about that. To be honest, he hadn't thought his ''plan'' through at all. There were so many things that could go wrong, now that he actually thought about it.

Crystal could refuse to help him if he told her the truth. Crystal could reject him if he told her that he liked her. Kelly could figure out that he lied and feel guilty. Crystal could actually like him and become obsessed with him and never let him have a happy life. He could get caught up in the lie and ruin his own life. He could be making the wrong decision entirely. His parents could find out and shame him for using someone. He could be wrong and Kelly could actually love him but he just sent her away. Kelly could hate him and never let them be friends again. He could drive himself insane without being able to profess his love for Kelly. The list went on and on that you couldn't see the end.

Andrew put all of that aside and stuck with his argument.

"It'll be worth it in the long run." He said firmly.

"Will it?"


will it be worth it?


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