chapter no.21

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leaving and lying

"I can't believe I'm leaving today." Kelly said sadly, hugging onto Asher's torso as they walked behind the Williams family.

"Can I come with you?" Asher asked, smiling. Kelly nodded furiously, she was hoping he was going to ask that. "Then I'll meet you at the airport. I'm taking a jet. Bye, babe." He pecked her lips and darted across the airport. She smiled softly and ran to Sierra.

"He's perfect." Kelly sighed. Sierra nodded her approval.

"He's lucky to have you." Sierra laughed as she told Kelly. Kelly smiled and imagined her life in the future. Would they stay together forever? They would run away and live in New York for their adult lives. Go on spontaneous adventures to foreign countries. Have kids. Then they would retire in the countryside of Switzerland on a goat farm. Live out their lives satisfied with how they lived them. Tell the story of how they met to their grandkids as they sat in their rocking chairs watching the sun set over the swiss alps. Perfect. "Whatcha thinking about?" Sierra asked, linking her elbow in Kelly's.

"Just my perfect future with Asher." Kelly sighed happily. She explained her perfect life plan to her best friend. Sierra laughed and asked if she could live next door on an alpaca farm. Kelly giggled and told her that she absolutely could, as long as they traded goods. They couldn't imagine their lives without each other.

"Come on, let's get back to American soil." Sierra laughed, and with that, they boarded the plane.


The family (plus Kelly) filtered out of the plane and sighed happily.

"We're back on solid ground! Hallelujah!" Sierra yelled and collapsed on the ground, kissing it. Kelly pulled her off.

"Ew, S! Do you know how many germs are on the floor of this place?" Kelly asked her best friend, but she couldn't help but giggle. Sierra had had to survive the whole plane ride without her medication because they forgot it at the hotel. For Sierra, it was a whole new kind of torture.

Kelly's smile widened when she saw her boyfriend smiling at her from across the airport. She ran to him and threw herself into his arms. He spun her around and kissed her.

Just like Andrew used to...

stop that!

"That was the loneliest three and a half hours of my life." Asher laughed when their lips separated.

"Ditto." Kelly agreed, intertwining her fingers in his. They walked out, hand-in-hand, not noticing the expression of pain on Andrew's face as he watched them. Mr. and Mrs. Williams exchanged confused looks, so Sierra filled them in. They both glared at Andrew who shrugged and continued to look like he was in agony.

When the Williams got into the car, they were shocked, seeing the car didn't have enough seats and they had specifically requested one that did. Kelly just shrugged and looked adoringly at Asher, who then told them he would drive her to her house. They said their goodbyes and parted ways.

-- in the car --

"So are you planning on going to school with me?" Kelly asked Asher. Asher smiled and nodded, keeping his eyes on the road like a responsible driver.

"I couldn't bare to be apart from you for six hours each day." Asher said, causing Kelly to snort.

"You're so cheesy." She informed him. He laughed and grabbed her hand with his free hand that wasn't on the wheel.

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