chapter no.25

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promises and people of all kinds

Kelly walked into school the next day with her hand in Andrew's. It was the happiest she had been in the longest time. No confusing feelings were guarding her view of life, nothing was going to get in the way of her love for Andrew. And that was a fact.

Andrew gave her a kiss on the cheek as they parted for first period, she heading for journalism and he to spanish 3. Kelly smiled at her boyfriend and essentially floated to her first period class.

She fluttered inside of the class, her mind somewhere else than school. She took her seat next to Sterling and Christina. As Kelly took her seat, she noticed Sterling staring at her. Ever since Sterling had transferred to Jackson High, he had had this infatuation with Kelly. Kelly was going it down right now, because she knew for a fact that infatuations are dangerous, and, in time, they hurt. A lot.

"Hey, Kelly, I was just wondering–"

Nope, nope, nope.

"Hey, Sterling!" Kelly interrupted cheerfully but friendly-based. "You know, I heard that Amanda, not the cheerleader, was talking about you. You should really ask her out. You'd be perfect for each other!" This wasn't a lie. Kelly had overheard Amanda talking about Sterling in art 2, and Kelly did think that they would make a cute couple, but her motives were kind of selfish.

Sterling's eyes widened, and the corner's of his mouth turned up into a smile. Clearly, Sterling had at least thought about Amanda in that way.

Score, Kelly thought. Mentally fist pumping at her victory.

Sterling's small smile turned into a grin and he went back to typing on his computer. The assignment today was to write about something that impassions you and makes you feel things.

This is the simplest assignment I've ever gotten, Kelly thought with a smile.

She set to work writing about her boyfriend and best friend.


Kelly exited her fifth period class, AP world history, and into lunch. Finally, the best part of the day. Andrew appeared beside her, with his arm around her shoulder.

"I have to get my lunch from my locker. I'll meet you at our usual spot." Kelly smiled and turned to get her lunch. Andrew nodded and headed off to their special shady part of the grassy lawn in the front of the school. As she shut her locker, with her lunch box in hand, she turned and slammed into a wall.

Nope, not a wall, a guy.

"I'm sorry." Kelly muttered, then she tried to walk around him but he grabbed her arm.

"Where ya going?" Asked the condescending tone of the guy Kelly once fell in love with.

"To meet my boyfriend and eat lunch. Let go." Kelly ordered, trying to pull away from Ben.

"Benjamin." Kelly warned. Still, he didn't let go.  "What do you want?" Kelly asked, exasperated.

"I miss you."

"Liar. You're still with Crystal aren't you?" Kelly asked, spitting at him. He laughed and pulled her closer to him.

"Crystal and I were done months ago." Ben laughed. It was bitter, as if he found out a dirty secret about her and never wanted to see her again.

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