chapter no.19

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kissing and keeping secrets

Kelly confuses herself sometimes.

For instance, when her mother had asked Kelly if she wanted a cookie when she was nine, Kelly had said no, despite the fact that she actually did want the cookie.

Needless to say, this was one of those times when Kelly confused herself.

When Asher kissed her, she didn't really know what to do. She wasn't thinking. Asher had saved her life, so she kissed him back. At the time she wasn't shocked by herself, she just did it. She grabbed his face and kissed him back.

You may be thinking that this situation was the same as the Eric situation, but in fact it is quite different. In Eric's situation, Kelly pulled away immediately, she did not enjoy it, and she felt completely guilty.

None of those things happened.

The two separated. Asher looked satisfied and happy that Kelly had kissed him back. Kelly had the softest smile on her face, like it was the best kiss she had had in a while, her eyes were still closed. Asher laughed and pulled her close to him again.

"You're truly amazing, Kelly Rose." Asher gushed, kissing her nose, utterly in love. Kelly sighed and looked at him with equal love.

STOP THIS, Kelly's mind screamed at her. YOU'RE NOT IN LOVE WITH ASHER!

actually...she is...

oh gosh no, what do we do?

we, um, break the news to Andrew?


"You're the most beautiful person I've ever met." Asher told Kelly. She blushed and leaned against his chest fondly.

Cue the confusion and realization.

Kelly's eyes widened as she realized who she was leaning into. She didn't move, she didn't want to.

Kelly started thinking rapidly.

I have a boyfriend, yet I don't feel the same way towards him as I feel towards this guy here. I think I'm in love with Asher...What do I tell Andrew? What do I do? What do I say? Do I pretend not to love Asher? Do I break up with Andrew on this trip? Do I wait? Do I throw myself off the cliff? That would be easier...

"I love you." Asher breathed, staring into Kelly's gorgeous green-blue eyes. Kelly didn't know how to respond. She blushed and stared at the ground. Andrew hadn't told her that he loved her, and they'd been together for way longer.


"KELLY, YOU'RE OKAY!" Sierra ran towards her best friend and tackled her to the ground, away from the guy who was gazing at Kelly lovingly. Kelly hugged her best friend back, she was so happy that she could see her best friend again. Sierra glanced at Asher, recognized his expression and gasped. "We'll talk about Asher later, for now let's get you out of here." Sierra whispered, and she dragged her best friend away from the brunette who was sitting on the ground in shock.


Sierra and Kelly sat in their hidden jungle forrest.

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