chapter no.7

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cuddles and comfort

After a full day of fun the three friends decided that they would head upstairs to Kelly's room, which was decorated in all things pink and silver. Sierra, of course, had seen it before but Andrew admired the girliness of the room.

"I can make you guys beds if you want or we could sleep in the guest bedroom or we could – " Kelly rambled on. She always got nervous when it came to having guests over. It was like a part of Kelly was so wrapped up in impressing people that it even had to perfect for he two best friends. Before Kelly could finish her thought, however, Andrew cut her off.

"Kelly, it's fine, we can just sleep in the guest room." Andrew said, rubbing her arm in an attempt to comfort her. His touch, in fact, did comfort her. It caused her to smile sheepishly and nod, leading them to the empty room across the hall.

It was already close to midnight when they set up the beds. Sierra preferred to sleep on the floor during most sleepovers, so Andrew and Kelly took the two beds. As soon as Sierra's head hit her pillow, she conked out, not to say another word for the rest of the night. Kelly, however, didn't have the same experience. 

After an hour of being awake in the silence, she decided to try something. Something daring and risky, not like anything Kelly would normally do. Something that may or may not cause a slight problem in the "friendship code". But she decided to do it anyway.

"Andrew?" Kelly whispered.

"Yeah, Kel?" Andrew answered without a touch of grogginess in his voice. Kelly assumed he hadn't slept either.

"Are you awake still?" Kelly asked, then mentally slapped herself. Obviously, he's awake or he wouldn't have answered, dumby!

"Yep." He replied, without a condescending tone or even a hint of sarcasm. Kelly silently thanked him.

"I cant sleep." Kelly explained, and gripped the comforters.

"Maybe you're cold. Come over here." Andrew suggested, scooting over in his bed. Kelly tiptoed over and slipped into bed next to him. He covered her with the blanket and put his arm around her, pulling her subtly closer, inch by inch, until she was literally resting on top of him. Kelly didn't notice until she opened her eyes and saw him, she acted as though everything was totally normal but on the inside she was screaming, in joy mind you.

Andrew wrapped one arm around her back, holding her on him, but rested his other on her head, gently, as if they were doing a horizontal hug of sorts. Kelly breathed out a happy breathe and smiled sleepily. Soon enough she fell asleep in his arms, in the warmth, in the pleasant feeling of him holding her.

Andrew, however, didn't fall asleep just yet. He gazed at her and smiled almost every time he opened his eyes. He was utterly in love with that girl, but he could tell no one, especially because he has a girlfriend. Which reminds him that he really needs to solve that little set back. But for now, while he was happy and at peace, while he has he girl he loves sleeping on top of him, while he can look at her and know that she's the one he wants to be with. There is no better feeling than those.


Kelly dreamed that night as she slept on top of the guy of her dreams.

She was at school, surrounded by five blonde cheerleaders with a male brunette mixed in the bunch. A specific male brunette who happened to be Kelly's first love before he cheated on her with, you guessed it, a cheerleader. Kelly suddenly noticed that the five blonde cheerleaders were actually the same person in five different places. And that specific cheerleader was the cheerleader that ruined hers and Ben's relationship.

"Crystal?" Kelly choked.

"Hello, Kelly." All five cheerleaders responded before they cackled in unison.

"Ben?" Kelly had tears in her eyes now.

"Hey..." The boy said weakly.

"What are you –"

"Enough questions." The five cheerleaders snarled. The center Crystal turned towards Ben and kissed him on the lips, and she did it with passion. Kelly screamed and ran towards her, or attempted to, but her feet seemed to be glued to the floor. She clawed the air.

"How dare you! How dare you ruin a perfectly good relationship! He was my best friend and boyfriend and you ruined it! You witch!" Kelly screamed as the two continued to kiss and the other four Crystals laughed at Kelly.

Crystal (center) broke apart from Ben with a smile. Ben's weak appearance was gone. He now appeared cocky and condescending.

"She was better than you from the beginning." He hissed, walking towards the paralyzed Kelly. "She was prettier, skinnier, and she knows how to kiss." Ben stepped forward and stroked Kelly's cheek with his thumb. "And you are just a tiny, innocent, child –"

"Hey!" A voice yelled. Relief washed over Kelly like a tidal wave. Andrew broke through the circle, knocking all five Crystal's to the ground. Ben stood with a stupid smirk on his face staring at Andrew.

"What are you going to do about it, Drew? I'm your buddy, remember?" Ben cooed.

"You're no friend of mine." Andrew said. He grabbed Ben by the collar and punched him, knocking him to the ground without the need for a second hit.

"Andrew!" Kelly's legs were finally able to move. She ran over to him and he enveloped her in a warm hug and his signature scent. Cologne mixed with wet asphalt.

"Kelly!" Andrew said, "Are you okay?" He cupped her cheeks and examined her, checking for bruises, scratches, any signs of pain or discomfort.

"I'm fine now that you're here! You saved me!" Kelly yelled dramatically.

"I would do anything for you! I'm in love with you!" Andrew yelled back, even more dramatic than Kelly. He pressed his lips to hers and everything went black.


Kelly awoke from her dream, still laying on Andrew's chest. Kelly gagged in her mind.

And she was disgusted by the cliché-ness of her mind.

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