chapter no.4

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truth and trust

"Kelly, truth or dare?" Sierra asked.

Oh no, this could be bad either way, Kelly thought.

"Um, dare." Kelly finally decided, thinking it a safer decision than truth.

"I dare you to go into Andrew's room and wear one of his jacket's every time you come here." Sierra said.

That's safe, Kelly decided. So she ran up the stairs two-by-two to Andrew's room. She grabbed his baseball jacket that read 'Williams' in the top right on the front of the jacket. She slipped it on and admired herself in the mirror, Her red hair tied back into a ponytail with the large baseball jacket made her look quite athletic but her tight ripped jeans added a trendy look to it. She walked downstairs after adjusting her outfit slightly and sat back down on her seat in the fort.

"That looks good on you. Doesn't it, Andrew?" Sierra said, eyeing her brother with a smirk on her tan face.

"Yeah, I like it." Andrew said, staring at Kelly's costume change. Kelly blushed and wracked her brain for why he was acting like this when he had a girlfriend. She coughed awkwardly and asked Zach if he wanted truth or dare.

"Truth." Zach said confidently. Kelly had already chosen her question, so she recited it with ease.

"Who is your crush?" Kelly asked, eyeing him. Zach blushed and looked down as he twiddled his thumbs. "Well?"

"Um, I like Kayla Asher." He said quietly. Kayla Asher was in Zach's grade. She was short and blonde and almost always wore her hair in two french braids. She was utterly adorable so Kelly understood why Zach had a crush on her.

"That's adorable!" Kelly added, imagining the two playing on the playground together.

"Okay, Zachy, your turn." Sierra said, she then whispered something quietly in Zach's ear. He nodded and pointed at Andrew.

Sierra what did you say? Kelly thought, worried.

"Andy, truth or dare?" Zach asked. Andrew was slightly nervous as he decided which one to reply.

"Dare." Andrew said. Zach looked slightly disappointed but his smile quickly reappeared as he decided what to say.

"I dare you to kiss Kelly on the lips." he said. Andrew and Kelly shared a shocked expression, while Sierra sat beside Zach looking smug.

"I – uh don't – uh –" Andrew stuttered as all four kids heard a creaking noise.

"Hi, kids, we're home!" Mrs. Williams announced, her heels clicking on their polished wood floor.

"Hi, Mom, we're in the fort." Sierra called from inside the pillow and blanket creation.

"My, this is impressive." Mrs. Williams said as she walked into the living room, admiring the kids' house.

"We worked hard on it." Kelly answered, laughing.

"Is that my favorite red head I hear?" Mr. Williams asked, walking into the living room beside his wife.

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