chapter no.10

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weddings and worry

It was only two hours and seventeen minutes until the wedding and Kelly was determined to avoid Andrew throughout the entire thing. She hadn't even looked at him since Crystal had kissed him. He had asked her what was wrong on multiple occasions but she had always made a quick and pathetic excuse and left. It had been one entire month of avoiding him and now was wedding day. Only two more months until school. She totally could do that.


Andrew, quit trying to ruin my plan of peace, Kelly thought.

"I – uh – bride's dress – gotta go!" Kelly choked out before dashing away. Andrew grabbed her arm before she could go.

Curse you, quick baseball reflexes.

"Kelly, you've avoided me for a month already. What happened?" Andrew asked, hurt evident in his voice. Kelly wanted to apologize and tell him how much it bothered her that he was dating Crystal. But that would hurt his happiness and Kelly couldn't bring herself to tell him.

"I really have to go." Kelly said and pulled free of his grip, running to the bride's room. Leaving Andrew in a confused pile of dust.

Amber was freaking out, no surprise there. She kept finding imperfections in all of her preparations. Her dress made her look fat, wrong. Her flowers looked ugly, wrong again. The setup looked too tacky, double wrong, Kelly had personally supervised the decorations.

"Amber, hey, you look beautiful. And, as your only sister, I am personally allowed to grab you by your designer hair and drag you onto that wedding stage." A lot of the bridesmaids giggled. Amber cracked a smile, wedding jitters momentarily gone.

"Thank you, sis. Okay well –"

"One hour until the wedding, Makeup, do your finishing touches! One hour until the magical moment. No, do not put wedding cake there! Were you raised in a barn?" The wedding organizer yelled, sounding more like the organizer for a fashion show but Kelly didn't say so.

"I can't believe my big sis is getting married!" Kelly yelled, earning a series of hoots and hollers from the girls, Sierra's was the most recognizable.

The rest of the hour was a blur, people running around, Amber getting the finishing touches on her makeup and hair, the bridesmaids and groomsmen lining up by the front entrance of the hotel.

Amber had decided to have her wedding on the beach. Which wasn't a help to the ladies, as their dresses kept blowing around.

"You're with me." Someone said. Kelly turned and there, in his fancy tux and flower corsage, was Andrew.

Of course! As if avoiding Andrew was hard enough now she has to walk, arm-in-arm with down the aisle and stand next to him during the after party.

"You really need to tell me what's going on with you, Kel." Andrew said, turning him to face her.

"Andrew, I –" Kelly was about to tell him the truth. She was just about to blurt it out, along with her feelings for him, if you could call them that.

"Andy!" A girly squeal came from another side of the barn. The blonde cheerleader came bobbing towards them. "Good luck, baby!" Crystal giggled, throwing herself into Andrew's arms and kissing him on the lips. Andrew smiled against her lips. Kelly actually gagged. She stepped into her position at the front of the pack.

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