chapter no.5

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breakfast and blueberries

Kelly woke up to the bright sunshine shining through the thin blanket on top of the fort. She bolted upright with a smile, then looked around and saw that no one else was awake. She picked up her glittery, pink cased phone and unlocked it. Kelly clicked her alarm app with a suspicious smile and tapped the big, red 'start' button. The alarm went off, causing Andrew and Sierra to both bolt up. Zach stayed lying down. Kelly turned off the alarm, earning a glare from Sierra and a groan from Andrew.

"Come on let's go make breakfast!" Kelly announced happily, crawling out of the tent with extreme energy.

"How do you have so much –" Sierra stopped, searching for the best word in her wide range of vocabulary to describe her best friend, "Indefatigable energy?"

"I'm a morning person!" Kelly called from outside of the tent.

"Lucky you." Andrew muttered, crawling out of the tent.

"I bet you won't be so grumpy when I tell you what we're making for everyone!" Kelly announced, holding up a plastic bag that she had brought with her last night. Sierra and Andrew raised their eyebrows in question, Kelly always picked the best foods to make.

"What is it?" Sierra asked for both herself and Andrew. Kelly pulled out a box labeled 'Pansy Penelope's Palatable Pancakes'.

"Pancakes!" And with that the energetic red head bounded into the kitchen. When Sierra and Andrew walked into the kitchen, they saw that Kelly had already prepared all of the 'tools' they needed to prepare the meal. Along with the ingredients. However, the two didn't understand why she had taken out vanilla extract and powdered sugar.

"Vanilla extract?" Sierra asked curiously, picking up the tiny bottle.

"What's the powdered sugar for?" Andrew asked a moment after.

"Those are secret ingredients." Kelly whispered. "You are the only two I have entrusted that information with, aside from my family of course. Don't spoil it to anyone." They both nodded.

"Let's get started!"


"Okay one cup of flour. No, Andrew, one cup. NO, ANDREW, ANDREW!" Kelly screamed as Andrew poured a bag of flour on her. Andrew almost fell over laughing. "Jerk!" Kelly yelled, picking up a handful of flour and chucking at him, hitting him right in the face. It was Kelly's turn to laugh as she hit him repeatedly with flour.

"Okay, now we need eggs. Let's be serious this time." She glared at Andrew. He tossed her two eggs, one of which she caught, the other fell on the floor by her feet.

"Wow, you can't even catch an egg." Andrew laughed at her. As he turned to get another egg, Kelly cracked the first on his head, letting the whites and yolk trickle down his face. She snorted and fell to the floor in laughter. Her laugh made him grin, but he was so going to get her back for that.

Kelly started to get back up, but Andrew got out a gallon of milk and stood above her.

"Does the recipe call for milk?" He smirked and poured some on her head. She gasped and hit him on the chest. The milk got her hair so wet that it looked like she had just gone milk.

"How about powdered sugar?" She threw some at him and scooped a bit of wet pancake mix, chucking that at him as well. She sprinkled a little vanilla extract on his head. He put butter in her hair. Soon, Andrew got his hands on some blueberries, which caused an all out 'fruit war' between the two. Kelly threw blackberries and raspberries while Andrew chucked blueberries and strawberries. Kelly tried to pitch him an apple but he caught it easily. Then Kelly slipped on the ingredients littering the floor and ran into Andrew, causing them both to fall onto their mess. They both were laughing so hard neither could stand up straight without toppling over again.

Sierra walked in, typing away on her iPhone until she almost slipped on an egg. She looked up, eyes wide, but when she saw the two lying on the ground she smiled, amused.

"What happened here?" Sierra laughed, taking a picture of the mess and the two lying in it.

"He started it!" Kelly yelled, pointing at Andrew. "I just asked for flour and he poured almost the whole bag on my head!" Kelly laughed, overjoyed.

"Hey, I gave you the flour." Andrew chuckled from under her. Kelly stuck her tongue out at him and Andrew mimicked her.

"Okay, lovebirds, let's clean this up before – " the three kids heard a loud and enthusiastic bark and Sierra gasped as the pure breed, Belgian german shepherd puppy bounded into the room.

"Pebbles!" Sierra yelled trying to contain the dog but the little puppy ran all over the mess, licking some of it up and tracking the rest all where he ran. "Pebbles, come!" Sierra yelled desperately. Pebbles came, but soon he lost interest and bounded around the messy kitchen again. "Ugh." Sierra said, sounding exasperated. She sat against one of the cupboards below the sink and waited for the puppy to calm down.

When that finally happened, he laid down in the middle of the kitchen. Sierra, still exhausted from chasing the puppy, sat where she was and stared at the dog like she knew she was going to have to pay for him doing this. Sure enough, Mrs. Williams walked into the room moments after. She had on pink flannel pajamas with a rose-pink mug. Her brown hair was smooth, though she had just woken up, and she had a lethargic smile on her face.

However, when she saw the mess and the puppy lying on the floor, well the kids could guess her reaction.

"Pebbles! Oh, how cute!" She squealed, overjoyed. She took a picture of the whole scene, causing all of the kids to look shocked.

Okay, maybe they couldn't guess her reaction.

"I can't believe our naughty little puppy did this. Oh, this might just get published in the Oceanside newspaper! I'll have to talk to Jen, of course..." Mrs. Williams went on, as the kids started to register her reaction. None of them could have guessed that Mrs. Williams would be glad. "This is the cutest thing little Pebbles has ever done." She finished. And not one of the three kids had the heart to tell her that the dog didn't do it.

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