chapter no.14

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parties and paparazzi

"We were invited to a party that you never told me about?" Kelly asked, shocked. Sierra nodded guiltily while standing in the doorframe of her best friend's room. She was holding a cute black dress in one hand and silver heels in the other. "I don't have a dress! Or shoes! Sierra, I'm so unprepared." Kelly rants impatiently, she was having a hard time believing that her best friend just forgot something like this. "I can't go to a party with this late of an announcement!"

"You have to! I can't go alone and I can't not go to this party! Please, Kel. I'm desperate." Sierra put on her signature puppy dog face that no one but Kelly could resist. And even Kelly had a hard time resisting sometimes. Kelly groaned and fell back on her bed.

"Fine, I'll go." She sighed, Sierra clapped her hands together excitedly. "But you have to help me figure out what to wear since you sprung this on me." Kelly said pointedly. Sierra blushed and nodded.

The two of them rushed around Kelly's room picking out outfits and dresses and shoes that could possibly be worn to the party. They finally settled on a simple white dress with a brown belt and some white pumps.

( a/n : this is what kelly's dress looks like )

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( a/n : this is what kelly's dress looks like )

"Now, time for makeup." Sierra announced, pulling out a huge bag of makeup. Kelly widened her eyes.

"Well you came prepared." Kelly said, mouth hanging open.

"I always do." Sierra smiled and set to work, doing Kelly's mascara first, then starting on her liquid eyeliner. After Sierra was finished with all of Kelly's makeup, Kelly could've sworn that she had had it done by a professional.

"You know, S, you could really get a job doing this." Kelly suggests, starting to twirl her hair. Sierra smacked her hand away and started to work on Kelly's red locks. She did mini fishtail braids that went around Kelly's head like a headband, and for the rest of Kelly's hair, she made it especially wavy and light. As Kelly stared at her reflexion in the mirror she honestly didn't recognize herself for a minute. "I look..." She couldn't find the words to describe the girl looking back at her.

"Hot. Adorable. Irresistible." Sierra offered, touching up her own hair and makeup. Kelly laughed and squeezed her best friend's hand.

"Thank you." Kelly grinned. Sierra smiled back.

"Anytime." She said, then she checked her phone and her eyes widened. "We have to go or we're gonna be really late." Sierra and Kelly grabbed their purses and shoes and sprinted out the door towards the car.


"Ready?" Sierra asked. Kelly nodded, Sierra's house didn't look like there was a party going on inside but she knew better than to judge something by the way things looked. Expect the unexpected. Things are never as they seem. Sierra opened the door to the house and shoved Kelly inside. Kelly blinked her eyes repeatedly as she adjusted to the light, when two dozen people jumped out and yelled 'surprise!'. Dozens, maybe hundreds, of pink balloons fell on top of Kelly as she made her way through the door. Kelly grinned and laughed. She had almost forgotten that her birthday was in a few days. She hugged almost everyone in the room, going one by one through the crowd. Finally she saw a tall figure leaning against a wall in the back. Her smile widened as she strutted over and stopped in front of him, captivating his attention.

"Hey." Andrew breathed, his eyes roaming up and down Kelly's body. She blushed under his concentration. "You" He said finally. Kelly grinned.

"You look great, too." Kelly smiled and grabbed her right arm with her left hand. As Andrew and Kelly talked, a girl dressed in dark clothes walked over to them and snapped a few pictures. She then moved on and continued to take pictures of the crowd and the decorations. "She hired paparazzi?" Kelly laughed, loving her best friend more and more throughout the night.

"She went all out for you, Kel. Don't tell her I said this, but I admired all of the hard work she put into this party." Andrew smiled at the thought of his sister.

"Yeah, I've definitely got a keeper." Kelly smiled, she couldn't even imagine a world where she and Sierra weren't best friends.

"Time to open gifts! Kelly, come over here!" Sierra called from the front of the room, where a table stood, piled high with presents. Kelly slowly walked to the front of the room. "I'll choose what order you open them in." Sierra smiled. She handed Kelly her first present, which was a big bag with pink tissue paper sticking out of the top. Kelly grinned as she pulled out five books, the Percy Jackson series, and held them close to her body. The next present was pizza keychain and a little fluff ball keychain. Soon she had opened all of her presents, which were all amazing. She had gotten three movies, lots of fandom merchandise, makeup, lipgloss, nail polish, cute pool toys, home made decorations, and a curling iron. She thanked all of her friends (if u could call them that) in turn, showing her appreciation for how much they cared about her.


The party was soon over and everyone filed out, thanking Kelly and Sierra for an awesome experience. In reality, Kelly and Sierra were the ones who had the best time. After the party they hung out, laughed together, tried out Kelly's new things, and danced for hours until it was almost midnight and the two best friends were exhausted. They fell to the floor of Sierra's living room.

"Thank you for doing this. It's been the best time I've had in ages." Kelly admitted, laying her head on a throw pillow.

"You're my best friend and you're turning fifteen! Of course I'm gonna do something extraordinary for you!" Sierra said, throwing her arms up in the air to prove her point. Kelly giggled at her goofy friend.

"You really are the best." Kelly said, taking Sierra's hand. "Let's be best friends for the rest of our lives." Kelly said, sighing.

"Girl, you'll never be able to get rid of me." Sierra laughed, doing her Oprah Winfrey impersonation. She and Kelly laughed for another hour, telling jokes and talking about the school year that was about to start.

"I'm glad we spent the summer together. It was a perfect three months." Kelly smiled, satisfied. Sierra agreed.

"It's not over yet." Sierra smirked, Kelly looked over at her best friend, wondering what amazingly fun thing she could have in store. "My parents invited you–with your parents permission of course." Sierra hurried to add. Then she paused for effect. "To come with us to Cancún, Mexico!" She announced. Kelly's eyes widened. She screamed and laughed and smiled with her best friend for another couple hours, their weariness completely gone.

"We're gonna go to another country together!" Kelly squealed. Sierra laughed and talked on and on about the adventures they were going to do there and the memories they would make.

They were both so excited that they didn't stop talking about it until the sun started coming up.

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