chapter no.6

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whales and water wars

They arrived at Kelly's house at noon, perfect timing for a pool party. Kelly let them into her newly decorated house (it was a beach theme, if anyone cares) and showed them where to change. Sierra took Kelly's room, as did Kelly, and Andrew took the downstairs bathroom. Kelly changed into her favorite pink and blue tye-dyed bikini. Sierra changed into a simple, blue, strapless bikini.

The two best friends made there way out into Kelly's backyard. Which was extremely huge, Sierra knew. Kelly's family was very wealthy, that's why her parents were always gone. They were either on business trips, making money for their family, or on extravagant vacation, displaying their money-making ability. Right now was the latter of the options.

"Hey, guys!" Amber, Kelly's older sister, yelled from her room.

"Hi, Amber!" Sierra and Kelly called from outside.

"Okay, did you get your backyard remodeled since the last time I've been here?" Sierra asked in amazement. Kelly nodded sheepishly.

"Yeah. Their are tennis-slash-basketball courts in the back but we have to call Wilkins to change them from one to the other. We got a new tiki-hut-pool-table. And we got a little hut in the back to put pool supplies. Speaking of which – " Kelly stopped talking, then took off in a full sprint across the lawn towards the new hut. She threw open the doors and screamed in delight, taking the new swan inflatable bed out of the shed. "Thank you, Mom! Thank you, Dad!" Kelly called, though she knew her parents were in the Caribbean and couldn't hear her. Sierra gasped in joy as Kelly showed her her new pool inflatable.

Sierra grinned with excitement . Kelly laughed and tossed Sierra the donut inner tube and the inflatable whale. Sierra squealed, "This is going to be so much fun." Kelly ran back to the pool, followed closely behind by Sierra, and threw her swan-floaty-bed in the pool. Sierra didn't waste any time. As soon as she saw the pool she hopped herself into the donut inner tube and bounced into the pineapple shaped pool.

There was a little island in the middle of the pool with a palm tree and other flora decorations. On either sides of the island there were four or five stepping stools that cut through the water. Around the pool was a sort of lazy river that her guests always seemed to like. But the most popular thing in her back yard was the jacuzzi. It was actually more like a miniature pool, it was four feet deep, with a width of four feet and a length of twelve, so that all of Kelly's friends could fit in it. That is, once she obtained that many friends.

"You coming in, Kel?" Sierra called, smiling as she floated around the pool in her donut.

"Yeah let me just – " but she couldn't finish before she was picked up, bridal style, and carried to the foot of the pool. Kelly screamed. This was not how she had planned to get in the pool. "No, no, no, Andrew, please no!"

"What's the matter?" Andrew smirked at her, "You scared of a little water?" He teased, she continued to beg for mercy, so he eventually set her down. Then she turned on him and tried to push him in, which only caused Andrew to grab Kelly and say, "Sneaky, but not sneaky enough." and they fell into the pool together.

The refreshing feeling of cold water took over Kelly's senses and for a split second she was at peace. Then she remembered who pulled her and she knew it was time for war. She swam under the water, pulling her swan floaty along with her from underneath, until she reached the far end of the pineapple pool. She reached for her special, secret pool gun, which was white and pink and had her name engraved on the body in gold, fancy lettering. She filled it with water and popped above the surface, ready for what must come.

She yelled her battle cry and mounted her swan, shooting water at the two siblings on the other side. They slowly registered what was happening and mischievous smiles appeared on their faces as they each grabbed a floaty and a pool noodle. They started hitting the water in front of them, however, they both struggled at moving and hitting at the same time. Kelly was having no problem at all, in fact, she had already filled up her gun twice since the first time. Kelly surreptitiously slid beneath the surface of the water and swam silently towards her two opponents. First she flipped over Sierra's donut, causing her to fall in the water, which caught Andrew's attention. He looked around for anything suspicious, and when he didn't see anything, he went back to fidgeting with his water gun. Kelly smiled underwater and positioned herself to push him over. Sierra saw what Kelly was about to do and smiled. Kelly flipped Andrew off of his whale, taking him by surprise as the cold water engulfed him. He looked at her and even underwater his signature smirk was undeniable. She smirked back and swam away, heading towards the shallower side of the pool.

Kelly ran out of the pool, hopped quickly into the relaxing jacuzzi, and sighed happily. Moments later another person plopped into the jacuzzi beside her. Sierra smiled at her as she began to spin in the now whirpool-ing jacuzzi. They both drifted around the rounded edges of the jacuzzi and, just as Kelly was about to reach the point from which she had started, a figure appeared there and she ran directly into them.

Andrew's smirk was inches away from Kelly's smiling lips. Andrew was desperately trying to keep his cool, as was Kelly, but both had a strong desire to close the gap in between them, though neither knew it. Sierra just floated around and watched them like the fangirl she was, imagining all of the cute couple activities that were yet to come.

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