chapter no.2

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hiding and hitmen III

"Okay guys. Mom is gone, we have time to ourselves before she and Dad get back. What is on our list?" Andrew asked, tapping the whiteboard that hung on the wall with a black dry erase marker. Kelly snatched the marker from his grasp and stood beside the board.

"I should write. I have better handwriting." Kelly smirked, looking at Sierra and Zachy. They nodded their consent, so Kelly positioned herself at the board.

"Let's watch a scary movie." Sierra suggested. Kelly hesitated but wrote it down.

"How about we play video games?" Zach suggested bouncing up and down. Kelly smiled and added that to the list. "Oh and hide and go seek!"

"In the dark." Andrew added. So Kelly added that to the bottom of the list.

"Truth or dare?" Kelly suggested. Everyone nodded so she scribbled it down.

"Then when we go to bed we can make a giant fort and all sleep together like we're camping!" Zach suggested, beaming and clapping. Andrew looked hesitant.

"I don't know, Zach.." Andrew started but Kelly cut in.

"Don't be lame, Andrew." Kelly giggled, poking him.

"I'm not lame. And watch it I know where you're ticklish." Andrew threatened, making Kelly squirm.

"Don't you dare." She retorted, scooting away. He advanced on her.

"I will." He brought his hands down and she screamed and ran away, but not before he could catch her by her waist and tickle her until she was on the floor.

"Stop!" She yelled laughing. "Sierra, make him stop!" Sierra just shook her head and kept watching. Zach, however, joined Andrew and now it was two against one. "This isn't fair!" Kelly screamed, laughing hysterically. "Stop, stop!" Kelly grabbed Andrew's hands to make him stop.

"Have you learned your lesson?" Andrew teased, helping the red head off of the floor. Kelly nodded and went back to writing. "Okay, I'll sleep with you guys." Everyone celebrated, including Kelly, because Andrew never did anything adventurous or new. This was first time he had done something in a while. And only Sierra knew why he was doing it.


"Die!" Zach screamed as he shot Kelly's video game character.

"Hey!" Kelly laughed, reloading her character.

"Wow you are not good at this." Andrew laughed as he shot two zombies.

"Shut up, Andrew." Kelly muttered desperately trying to kill a zombie. She hit the 'A' button on her controller repeatedly but she couldn't hit the zombie. She screamed as the zombie got closer but suddenly it fell over. "I did it!" Kelly yelled in triumph. A different character with a name tag 'DrewW0572' walked over to me.

"No, I did." Andrew laughed. "I saved your life. You're welcome."

"Thank you, O' God of Hitmen III!" Kelly fake worship him as Andrew continued to press away at the buttons. Kelly put down her controller and went to the kitchen to get water. When she returned they had finished the game and were ready to play a different game.


"Hide and Go Seek in the dark." Andrew said as he explained the rules. They could hide upstairs and down stairs, anywhere you want, but no outside. You can hide with or without a partner and only one person can seek, they may have a flashlight if they want.

"I'll be seeker first. And I do want a flashlight." Kelly suggested, turning on the flashlight on her phone. They all went and hid and two minutes later Kelly started her search. She checked in the kitchen and all downstairs before deciding that they all hid upstairs.

She first checked in Sierra's room. She ripped the blinds away and found Zach in a little ball. She laughed and tapped his shoulder.

"I found you." Kelly said, taking his hand and pulling him out of his spot. "You can help me find your brother and sissy." He nodded and we looked further. Soon we found Sierra in her parents room. She laughed when they found her but went along with it.

"Come on, Sierra. Let's go downstairs." Zach said and pulled Sierra away.

Great. Now I'm on my own, Kelly thought.

She entered Andrew's room, admiring his trophies. She started to go in the closet when a noise came from behind her. She gasped and turned around hastily. Nothing was there. She shined her flashlight further.

Someone grabbed her from behind, causing Kelly to scream and fall to the ground. She curled into a ball and screamed, then she heard someone laughing. She looked up and saw Andrew standing there, laughing.

"That was not funny." Kelly said, standing up.

"No, you're right," Andrew started, "it was hilarious!" Kelly huffed and started to walk out when Andrew grabbed her arm. "Hey, I'm sorry. I'll help you hide if you want?" Kelly nodded slowly.

"Sierra! Your turn to seek!" Andrew called downstairs, not breaking eye contact with Kelly.

"Ugh! Fine!" Sierra called back, Kelly could hear her stomping to go count.

"This way." Andrew led her to his brother's room and into the closet. Once both of them were in there, he closed the door and faced her. Their chests were pressed together, more like her chest and his lower chest.

Stupid tall person, Kelly thought.

Their faces were inches apart and it was all Andrew could do to not close the gap. He stared into Kelly's eyes and didn't make a sound. Something moved, making a noise, which caused Kelly to whimper in fear.

"Shhh." Andrew whispered. "I'm here, it's alright." Kelly nodded and didn't make another noise. She looked at him and him at her and the silence wasn't awkward, it was comfortable. Like neither of them needed to say a word. Until sierra opened the closet door and saw the two of them. They looked at each other then at Sierra, who had a smile on her face like no other.

"Well, what do we have here?" She smirked, eyeing the two of them.

"Nothing. He was just helping me hide." Kelly explained nervously. "Um I think it's time to watch the movie now. What are we watching again?" Kelly asked with her desperate attempt to change the subject.

"Poltergeist." Andrew answered.

"Oh, crap."

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