chapter no.3

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movies and mountain forts

The four kids sat on the couch watching the Poltergeist. It had only been five minutes and so far, to Kelly, the movie didn't seem half bad. She watched with joy as the little girl wandered the new house. Kelly smiled, wondering if the title was just to throw people off.

Then a hand popped out of nowhere and Kelly screamed, jumping onto someone for protection. She didn't know who it was but she clutched them for dear life.

"Easy there. It's just a movie." Andrew purred, rubbing Kelly's back with one hand.

"It's a pretty scary movie. Why couldn't we have watched Mulan or something?" Kelly asked, screaming again when the eldest daughter found a dead body in the laundry room. Kelly covered herself with her blanket and leaned into Andrew. Andrew put his arm around the frightened girl and held her.

"Because you need to experience a scary movie at least once in your life." Sierra replied, chomping away on her popcorn as a worker man was sucked into a wall.

"I'd rather just stay under here until the movie's over." Kelly whimpered. She clutched onto Andrew, trying to not listen to the movie. Andrew leaned close to her ear and whispered.

"Hey, it's not real. Just remember that it's a movie and none of it is real, okay?" Andrew continued to rub her back but eventually went on to massage Kelly's shoulders in comfort. Kelly leaned onto his shoulder, then looked over at Sierra. Sierra was simply eating popcorn, but she was watching Kelly and Andrew, not the movie.

Kelly tried to pop her head out of the blanket occasionally, but every time she would the movie would take that moment to have something scary pop out. So Kelly would scream and return to underneath her blanket, causing Andrew to chuckle a few times. Kelly gazed in wonder as Zach, a third grader, watched the movie with amusement and didn't scream once. How could a 9 year old watch a horror movie with such ease, whereas Kelly, a 15 year old, could barely watch two seconds at a time without being terrified.

"Nothing's gonna happen right?" Kelly asked, sticking her head out. The small girl in the movie sat criss-cross apple sauce at the base of the stairs.

Maybe the movie's over, Kelly thought to herself. After all, the little girl seems calm.

But then the little girl got pulled up the stairs feet first by some invisible force and Kelly decided that it was safer to stay under the blanket for the rest of the movie. When the credits rolled up the screen Kelly finally emerged, looking up at a smiling Andrew.

"Wow, my first horror movie. That went well." Kelly said, proud of herself.

"You mean your first five percent of a horror movie? Because you only watched about a total of seven minutes of the movie." Andrew chuckled and put his arm around her shoulders, causing Kelly to blush.

"Time to make the fort!" Zach squealed excitedly, taking Kelly's hand and dragging her to their blanket cupboard. Andrew and Sierra followed behind Zach and Kelly and soon all four had about three blankets each in their arms. Making the fort took about half an hour, seeing as parts kept falling and they had to rebuild and make it big enough for four people. But soon they were done and it was better than anyone could have imagined. At the end it looked almost more like a small mountain than a fort.

It was a total of four feet high and it took up the width of the entire living room. They had fit mini chair's and their 'beds' inside of the fort. Their 'beds' were just piles of blankets made to each of their comforts. Kelly's was mostly pink, Sierra's was blue and purple, Zach's was a Cars comforter, and Andrews were patterned with baseballs. Each of their beds matched their personalities, Kelly noticed.

Kelly slept in between Andrew and Sierra. Sierra was texted some guy or another so Kelly had no choice but to talk to Andrew.

"I get my permit in November." Kelly said randomly, hoping to spark up a conversation with Andrew. Andrew looked up and smiled that famous I-know-something-you-don't smile that Andrew always had.

"I already have mine." He bragged, brushing off a pretend piece of dirt from his shoulders. "I get my license in October."

"Oh, how impressive." Kelly said, her sarcasm hard to miss.

"I know, I am pretty great." Andrew chuckled, resting his head on his hand, propping himself up with his elbow.

"Riiiight." Kelly replied, elongating the 'i' to sound like she didn't believe him.

"You're about as great as Chicken Pox." Sierra cut in, her eyes never leaving her phone. Kelly snorted and Andrew glared at her.

"Who are you texting anyway?" Kelly asked, twisting her neck to try and get a glimpse of Sierra's phone.

"No one." Sierra replied, making it obvious that she was texting someone. Kelly quickly snatched her phone away and held it in between her and Andrew.

"Ooh Eric! How cute." Kelly gushed, already imagining all of the adorable couple things they would do.

"Relax we're just friends." Sierra said, but the huge smile was still lingering on her face.

"Yeah right! Look at your face! You love him!" Kelly exclaimed and began chanting 'you love him' repeatedly in a sing-song voice.

"Shut up, I do not!" Sierra defended herself but it was too late. Kelly was already coming up with "ship names" for the two.

"Ooh, Sierric!" Kelly announced, causing Andrew to collapse laughing and Sierra to turn bright red. Sierra evidently gave up because she returned to tapping away on her phone.

"That was good. I've never seen Sierra that red." Andrew whispered so only Kelly could here. "So, um, is Eric a nice guy?" he asked.

"Yeah, he's great. He has a great sense of humor and he's really sweet." Kelly explained. "Aw, look at you being all protective brother-y." Kelly purred. Kelly always thought it was adorable when brothers wanted to protect their little sisters. Even if Sierra was only younger than him by a couple months. It's something she had always found so attractive.

Although what she didn't know was that this boy found it extremely attractive that Kelly cared.

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