chapter no.12

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tickets and terrific tales

"And you're a couple now?" Sierra asked, after inquiring what had happened after she had left Kelly and Andrew alone the previous night. Kelly sighed happily.

"Yes." Kelly beamed, recalling the night before.

"That's amazing!" Sierra gushed, placing her hand on top of her best friend's hand.

"Yeah, it is." Kelly blushed. "And today he said he has a surprise planned for me." Kelly squealed.

"Oh my gosh, you've only been dating for a couple of hours and he's already spoiling you? He must be really into you." Sierra beamed, gripping Kelly's hand. Sierra was genuinely excited for her best friend, all of Andrew's previous girlfriends had been narcissistic and ego-maniacal and annoying. It was refreshing that Andrew was dating someone actually nice for once, even if it was her best friend.

Kelly smiled in response to her best friend. She liked to believe that Andrew was really into her, in fact she was almost sure of it. And she felt the exact same way. She loved spending time with him and he made her laugh all of the time. He was perfect in Kelly's eyes, and that's the only thing that matters to Kelly.

"I can't wait to see what it is!" Sierra squealed, excited-out-of-her-mind for her best friend.

"Neither can I!" Kelly agreed. As if on cue, Andrew walked through the door of Kelly's house, holding up two tickets of some sort.

"Guess what I got?" Andrew asked, holding up the two tickets. "Two tickets to the new Harry Potter world in Los Angeles, California." He continued without waiting for a response. Kelly's mouth went slack.

"You didn't!" She gasped.

"Oh, but I did." Andrew smirked, handing her a ticket. Kelly studied the ticket and, sure enough, it was an honest to goodness ticket to Harry Potter World.

"Oh my gosh! You're amazing!" Kelly screamed and threw herself into Andrew's arms. Andrew held her close to him with one arm and kissed her cheek.

"Anything for you, princess." Andrew replied, still holding his girlfriend. Kelly pulled back from the hug and grabbed Andrew's face, kissing him on the lips. "Woah." Andrew replied, looking hypnotized by Kelly's kiss.

Sierra giggled, the way those two flirted made her heart flutter with happiness. She could only hope to achieve that kind of relationship goals some day.

"Sierra, you should come." Kelly suggested. Sierra shook her head vigorously.

"And be a third wheel all day? No thanks." Sierra laughed it off. "I'll just hang out with Eric." This caught Kelly and Andrew's attention.

"Oh, really?" Kelly laughed. "And what will you and Eric be doing?" Kelly smirked, already imaging ideas in her head. Then Kelly's eyes widened. "Wait, oh my gosh, I have the perfect idea!" She announced. "You should invite Eric to come with you and us to Harry Potter World! That would be SO much fun!" Kelly almost yelled. Sierra loved the idea, she quickly dialed Eric's number and bolted out of the room. Andrew and Kelly could hear her start the conversation.

"You always come up with the best ideas." Andrew smirked, pulling Kelly closer by her shirt. Kelly smiled and allowed Andrew to pull her closer.

"I know." Kelly bit her lip and stared into Andrew's eyes. Andrew kissed her lips lightly.

"Right now, I have a great idea." Andrew said, backing towards the couch and pulling Kelly towards it with him. Andrew laid down on his back, pulling Kelly on top of him. He put one hand on the small of her back and with the other brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. He pressed his lips against hers and held her hips as she grabbed his face. Kelly smiled against Andrew's lips and Andrew lightly kissed her cheek. He kissed her neck and her shoulder gently, Kelly smiled into his eyes.

"I'm so lucky to have you." Andrew breathed against her neck. Kelly kissed his forehead and rested her head against his chest, shutting her eyes as well.

"Eric's in! He'll meet us here in – Oh." Sierra stopped as soon as she saw the couple lying on the couch. As soon as she registered the situation she smirked at them. "What is going on here?" Sierra laughed.

"I just got tired." Kelly said quickly.

"I also got tired, as well." Andrew agreed, then gave himself a quizzical look and shook his head.

"Right." Sierra winked. The door knocked three times and Sierra ran to get it. Kelly could hear Sierra greeting Eric so she decided it would be more decent to stop laying on Andrew. She got up and Andrew grabbed her hand.

"Where do you think you're going?" Andrew smirked attractively. Kelly pulled her hand weakly, not really trying to pull free from Andrew's grasp.

"Andrew, It's not polite to be lying there when someone's here." Kelly whispered with a grin. Andrew grinned back at her and stood up from the couch. "Oh shoot, I need to pack my stuff! I'll be right back." Kelly promised Andrew and ran up the stairs.

Eric walked into the living room with Sierra trailing behind him.

"Hey, man." Eric greeted Andrew. Andrew smiled goofily and shook Eric's hand while he clapped him on the back, doing that weird guy-hug or whatever you call it.

"Good to see ya." Andrew responded.

"So are we ready to go?" Sierra asked, then she seemed to notice the absence of her best friend. "Where did–"

"I'm here, I'm ready." Kelly called, taking the steps two at a time as she ran down. "I brought sunscreen, sunglasses, my phone, a hat, deodorant, and this." She gestured to her Slytherin Quidditch Team shirt.

"Great! We're all set!" Sierra beamed and led them to the driveway.

"Hey, Eric." Kelly greeted cheerfully, she pulled him into a friendly hug and then bounced away towards the car.

"Hey." Eric greeted back as she hopped off. He glanced over at Andrew, who was staring fondly at the energetic girl who was waving from the car.

Hmmm, Eric thought, That's a bit suspicious.

He shook the thought of his head and slid into the middle row of seats of the car. Sierra sat next to him and said what they were all thinking.

"This is going to be so much fun!"

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