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For the next couple of days, Allison's treated to a complete walk-through of her temporary home and she's surprised at just how big the place is (the kitchen, the numerous bedrooms and offices, the garage, the weapons firing range.. hell, they even have their very own dungeon! And the knowledge- there's so much knowledge down in the bunker library).

She has a front row seat to Charlie's upbeat personality and finds the redhead a shining beacon of light when she can feel herself retreating into the dark recesses of her mind. The redhead tends to talk at Allison, so more often than not Allison finds herself listening intently to the elder female as they bond through their disastrous attempts at baking. Allison wonders how it is that Charlie came to meet the Winchesters, and Charlie tells her how she had a monster dick of a boss- who she didn't know was an actual monster at first- who paid her to hack into a hard drive. Only when she had a break through, she found some odd documents about monsters, thought her boss was a weirdo, but then saw some actual monsters eating a co-worker of hers down in the parking garage and proceeded to freak the hell out. The Winchesters then found her, she reluctantly helped them with their case, and then they helped her get out of town when her part was over with.

Charlie had had herself a new life for a while, only for a different monster to turn up and start killing off some friends of hers. The Winchesters had picked up the case and ran into her once more, and after that she couldn't deny that monsters existed anymore. She secretly did her own research on monsters after that, she then coming up with the idea to make an app that detailed all sorts of creatures, so every now and then when she stumbled upon a case she could readily pass it along to the brothers with the right monster.

Allison feels for Charlie- for being dragged into a world of monsters when she obviously had a pretty normal life going on for her- and something in the back of her mind whispers that she's been there, done that. She wrinkles her nose at the thought of ever being a normal girl because a life of monsters is what feels normal to her, not being someone who worried about bills, boys and the latest fashion trend. Or whatever it is that girls nowadays worried about.

Eventually, she asks the Winchesters just how they were introduced to the life of hunting monsters and is treated to a moment of awkward silence. Charlie quickly excuses herself to her room to finish up Allison's I.D and papers, and Dean gruffly gives her a very short version of their story. Sam, on the other hand, fills in the blanks and explains further when Dean tries to roll right on through everything they'd been through.

She's absolutely floored to realize they kick started the apocalypse and just who exactly they're the true vessels for (Lucifer and Michael), and she scowls at the fact that the Winchesters- even though they're some of the best Hunters out there- are ostracized in the hunting community because of that. It wasn't like doubt didn't flitter through her mind when realizing their hand in the apocalypse, but she did what the other Hunters didn't do. She gave the Winchesters a chance to explain themselves and actually gets angry at all the manipulation the brothers had been put through by both angels and demons.

So needless to say, Allison doesn't think twice about letting her guard completely fall around the Winchesters after hearing their story.

So needless to say, Allison doesn't think twice about letting her guard completely fall around the Winchesters after hearing their story

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The Huntress ➳Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now