A Send-off

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Chris had left for Mexico as soon as possible, he and Allison having wrapped Kate in chains and wolfsbane while everyone watched on from a distance.

"You okay with all of this?" Sam had asked while Dean helped Chris put Kate in the trunk of his vehicle.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Allison asked.

"She's family."

Allison shook her head. "She's a monster. She was a monster long before she was turned and the world will be safer with her off the streets."

Sam left it at that, he wrapping an arm around her shoulder and letting Allison burrow into his side tiredly. The last hour still weighed heavily on his mind, but he knew now was not the time to speak of it.

"You good?" Dean had then asked Chris when the trunk was closed on Kate. "She might be out of her damn mind, but she's still your sister."

Chris frowned. "My little sister was taken from me long ago. I don't even know who this woman is anymore."

"Fair enough. Just.. if you need or want help, say the word. Alli and Sam can hold the fort down for us and I'll travel to Mexico with you. I don't know how we'll get across the border with a body in the trunk, but I'm sure we'll manage."

Chris finally huffed a laugh. "I appreciate the offer, but this is something I gotta do myself. And besides," he'd smirked, "I'm not too sure how border patrol will take to seeing a Winchester. I've got enough connections to get through with no problem, but some hunters are still sore about the chaos you and Sam wreaked in the past."

Dean grimaced. "Figured. Well, be safe, will 'ya?" Dean suddenly looked uncomfortable and Chris raised an eyebrow in amusement. "Your sister is something else and I know Cas said she'll be out for a few days, but still. I'll let him know to keep an eye out on your travels before he leaves."

"Will do, Dean. Make sure your brother keeps an eye on my daughter."

This time Dean laughed. "I'm sure Sammy will keep both eyes and hands on your daughter."

"Too far, Winchester. Too far."

So Chris left for Mexico, followed by Castiel who promised to make sure Chris didn't run into any trouble. And though Charlie was already starting to crash from her adrenaline rush, she didn't want the night to end because she had planned to leave the following morning. Then at Derek's loft in which they were staying, Charlie only managed to stay awake for a couple more hours before crashing and falling asleep on Malia who was rather very amused by the redhead who reminded her so much of her boyfriend.

 Then at Derek's loft in which they were staying, Charlie only managed to stay awake for a couple more hours before crashing and falling asleep on Malia who was rather very amused by the redhead who reminded her so much of her boyfriend

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Come morning Charlie is outraged to have fallen asleep, though the Pack can't take her too seriously given her Star Wars pajamas she had managed to change into sometime in the night and the serious case of bedhead she's got going on. So to make Charlie feel better, Scott and Stiles round the entire pack up and buy a big breakfast for Charlie's send off.

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