Butting Heads

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Home, sweet home. Though the bunker could feel somewhat confining at times, it felt like such a blessing to be coming home to their own beds and their own everything. They took a single day's rest of doing absolutely nothing and then threw themselves back into looking for cases to keep themselves busy.

June soon gave away to July and still there was no word from Chris. Allison grew worried and decided to reach out to him, only to land Araya Calavera on the phone. She had been uncomfortable to field the elder Huntress' questions about suddenly being resurrected, but Chris luckily saved her a few minutes into the inquisition. He apologized for staying longer than expected, but that he was more than fine and he was just overseeing exactly what Araya wanted with Kate, and to make sure the werejaguar didn't talk her way out of captivity.

Dean, Sam and Allison kept on with doing what they were born to do- Allison soon finding herself in the position of a leader among the two male hunters as one would growing up in the Argent household. While Sam had no problem following orders, Dean sometimes butted heads with the younger hunter, but he was slowly starting to accept to trust Allison's instincts.


Sitting around the table with books scattered in front of them, and tablets and laptops opened up to news articles and police reports, Allison and the two brothers freeze when knocking resonates around the room.

Sam and Allison look up immediately, glancing around the room for the source of the noise. The second time knocking sounds, Dean finally catches on and looks up as well. Lips pursed, he makes it obvious as he counts the three of them around the table before checking his phone for any messages or calls they've might have missed about a guest coming over.

The knocking sounds again, this time more aggressively.

"Um. Is someone going to get that or..?" Allison asks hesitantly.

Dean stands immediately, his chair scraping loudly as he pushes back from the table. He pulls out a gun from the back waistband of his jeans, clicks off the safety and marches towards the stairs that lead upward to front entrance of the bunker. Sam pulls out a gun as well and lays it atop the table to be within reach and Allison grips a dagger that's strapped to her thigh. They share a brief smile before settling their gazes on the iron balcony where Dean's disappeared only for their shoulders to sag in relief when Dean's booming laugh reaches them.

"Who do you think it is?" Allison asks, relaxing back in her chair.

"Not sure," Sam shrugs. Muffled voices get closer until the bunker's two guests appear on the balcony and Sam grins as they start to descend the stairs. "It's Jody and Claire."

The elder woman with a short pixie-styled haircut beams at Sam as she nears him and the younger blonde with a little too much eye makeup glances around the bunker with a rather callous expression.

"Jody," Sam greets happily, finally standing to his feet. "This is a surprise."

"Yeah, well, there was nothing to hunt around the home base and Claire was starting to get antsy. I thought it was good to get out and since Claire hasn't seen your base of operations yet.."

"You dropped in," Sam finishes. He and Jody share a brief hug and then his attention turns to the blonde. "Claire."

"Sam." The blonde doesn't make a move to hug him and she crosses her arms over her chest, she going as far to roll her eyes when Dean casually throws an arm around her shoulders.

Sam huffs a laugh, used to the blonde's attitude and turns to reach a hand out for Allison. Hesitantly, Allison stands and takes his hand until he's pulled her up and into his side. "Jody, Claire, I'd like you meet Allison. Alli, this is Jody and Claire."

The Huntress ➳Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now