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Since school is out for the summer and all, Lydia is the only adult who doesn't actually have work to do since her schedule mostly follows the schedule of a high school student's. Scott's stuck at the Veterinarian office while Stiles, Jordan and Malia are stuck at the police station. Melissa and John are also stuck at their respective jobs, so Allison, the Winchesters and sometimes Chris find themselves spending time with Lydia, Kira, Liam, Hayden and Mason most of the time and getting to know the younger members of the Pack.

Hayden and Mason delve a little deeper into the time when the Dread Doctors visited Beacon Hills, and they learn that Hayden was actually a failed experiment while Mason was the success. Allison was livid to learn about Theo and how he split up the pack, and even went as far as high-fiving Kira when it came out that Kira had some dealing with Skinwalkers- an entirely different breed than what Sam and Dean were familiar with- and that she was the one to basically send Theo to his everlasting Hell.

The pack also tell Allison of her distant relative who used Mason to resurrect himself and all the drama that came with it, as well as Scott giving Hayden a real bite so she could be a true werewolf instead of the mess that she was.

This particular day, however, has Allison sitting with Lydia and the younger pack members while her Dad, Sam and Dean clean weapons and peruse the internet for anything nearby to hunt. Allison's a little quieter than usual, but only Lydia seems to be concerned by it. There are several instances in which the red head looks like she wants to ask Allison what's wrong, but she holds back and grins when Allison seems to take to Liam and his boyish smiles.

Hayden and Mason are going to town on a couple boxes of pizzas when the two wolves in the room seemingly go still and quiet. Their heads simultaneously tilt to the side as if they're stretching their hearing to something the humans can't hear and their nostrils flare as they scent the air.

"Someone's coming," Hayden murmurs. "Someone new."

Scrambling to their feet, Hayden and Liam put themselves between the door and everyone else. They listen as the stranger grumbles about the elevator needing a serious tune-up and that she was totally haunting Dean if she died in the metal deathtrap. The wolves glance over their shoulders at Dean who's fumbling with his phone, his eyes widening before jumping to his feet.

"Stand down!" Dean shouts. "S'just Charlie. She's a friendly."

"Charlie?!" Allison perks up, grinning brightly.

Hayden and Liam ease their stances while Chris, Sam and Dean join everyone in the front part of the room. Knuckles then rapping on the metal door resonates around the room, Dean shouts, "Come in!", and everyone watches as the metal door barely nudges. Grunting can be heard and then a pale hands sneaks in to grasp the door before it's being pushed open further.

A rather slim redhead stands in the opened doorway- red hair cropped short and curled, and her facial features somewhat sharp and almost elvin looking. She's another plaid wearing individual and she beams brightly at the gathered people. "Ding dong, bitches," she greets. "Momma's home."

Allison snorts and she's the first to break from the group to make a beeline for Charlie. They hug happily and then Allison's dragging along her curious friend behind her. "Everyone, meet Charlie. Charlie, I'd like you to meet Lydia, Kira, Liam, Hayden, Mason and that over there is my dad Chris."

Charlie's still beaming, waving at each welcoming face before she turns her attention on the eldest in the room. "Big fan, Mr. Argent. Big fan."

"Uh.. thank you?"

"Your weapon's store!" She blurts. "It's wonderful and I gotta admit that I spend a little too much money ordering from you. Seriously, I would starve myself just so I'd have more cash to shop online, but I kind of like food too much." Realization dawns on him and Chris slowly grins. "And mountain ash! Who would've thought it'd have the effects it does? It's such a great addition to my stash.. and I'm just going to zip it now because I've just come to realize that I'm fangirling all over you and this is not Comic-Con."

The Huntress ➳Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now