Catching Up

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With Chris staying with the Sheriff for the night, the Winchesters and Allison set out for Derek's building. Dean immediately took the bed upstairs, overlooking the rest of the loft, and Sam and Allison took up the bed downstairs that was out in the open and in view of everything. The night thankfully passes slowly and Allison has one of the greatest night's of sleep she's had in a while. She woke only once from a nightmare- the nightmare having been very original and not memories of Hell or her death for once- and easily fell back asleep in the comfort of Sam's arms.

The early morning sun rays shine in through the large bay of windows, but Sam and Allison merely shift so their backs are to the light. Sam's arm lays over her waist and he sleepily pulls her closer so her back is pressed to his chest. He hides his face in the back of her neck and Allison giggles before drifting off back to sleep. Then what seems like only mere minutes later, someone's knocking loudly and frantically on the metal door. Both Allison and Sam jerk up into a sitting position just as the door slides open, Allison's hand wrapped around a dagger while Sam aims a gun at the intruders- both weapons having been pulled from beneath their pillows.

Stiles, Scott and Lydia all walk in through the door, the boys being the only two to stop short at the sight of the weapons while Lydia merely pushes passed them. She does, however, stop short at something else. "You really need a haircut." Lydia says as her nose wrinkles at Sam.

And having seen Sam's bed head before, Allison snorts before collapsing back in bed. "Guys," she groans. "Really? You couldn't have called first?"

"Sorry. Sorry," Scott says, suddenly beaming again when Sam lays his gun down. "We were just eager to talk without being crammed in my mom's living room."

"Yeah 'cause we have so much to tell you," Stiles says. "Unless Derek's already told you," his eyes then narrow. "Apparently Sourwolf's been keeping things from us."

"Very important things." Scott nods along in agreement.

"WILL YOU SHUT UP?!" Everyone glances up towards the only other bedroom, all except Sam who falls back into bed with a huff of amusement and pulls the bed sheet up further over his bare chest. "I'M TRYING TO SLEEP HERE!" Dean yells. He appears standing by the metal railing, clad in only boxer shorts and a white tee. "Go somewhere else to catch up," he then mutters before disappearing once more.

"Rude," Stiles sniffs, nose upturned.

"You don't know the half of it," Sam mumbles.

Allison giggles and then glances at her friends, she wrinkling her nose at them as they continue to stare at her as if she isn't in bed next to her half naked boyfriend. "Give us half an hour, okay? Half an hour and we'll meet you.. at the Lacrosse field. It's still in the same place I remember."

"You sure?" Lydia smirks, glancing at Sam and raking her gaze up and down at him. "You don't need longer?"

Allison's cheeks warm. "Half an hour, Lydia. Go."

Laughing, all three of Allison's friends start walking backwards before turning and taking their leave.

"Half an hour!" Lydia says over her shoulder. "Half an hour or I send Stiles back."


Both dressed comfortably, Allison and Sam are ready to leave when Allison realizes something. The only car they have is Dean's and he's quite protective of it. "Uh, Sam? How hard do you think it'll be to steal Dean's car while he's sleeping?"

Leaning down, Sam swipes a set of keys from the coffee table. "Not that hard, actually," he huffs in amusement.

She glances up at the space where she knows Dean's sleeping, biting the corner of her lip briefly before giggling and hurrying towards the door. "Come on. Lets leave before he notices we stole Baby."

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