Beacon Hills Preserve

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Author's Note: Here's something short and sweet. Sort of.

By some unspoken word, Dean and Chris know exactly just what Sam and Allison had gotten up to on their night away from the bunker

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By some unspoken word, Dean and Chris know exactly just what Sam and Allison had gotten up to on their night away from the bunker. Sam had the decency to look guilty and afraid every time Chris just so happened to be in the same room whenever he cleaned a weapon, and Allison let the stares wash over her, but always managed to punch Dean if he got carried away with the teasing and crossed the line into crude territory.

The days pass and Chris gives up on making sure Allison stays put in her own room, he settling for grumbling instead. And sometimes, Dean will join him with the grumbling given that Allison's gotten a little more affectionate with her gentle touches to Sam in front of them.

Then the day comes to start making their way to Beacon Hills, and they settled on Chris and Allison taking Chris' vehicle while the Winchesters took the Impala. Chris was confused as to why no one wanted to fly- it'd be quicker, in his opinion- and Sam took great delight in informing both Allison and Chris of his brother's fear of flying. They make plans beforehand to see where they're going to stay at since Chris sold their residence in Beacon Hills, and their answer comes when Derek calls to check in with Allison and is happily surprised to find that Chris is with them. When their dilemma comes up about finding a decent place to stay, Derek offers up his loft in the building he owns that's just on the outskirts of Beacon Hills.

Every couple of stops on their drive, Allison and Dean switch vehicles. Sam and Chris are never in the same vehicle alone, and that's something that Dean finds absolutely hilarious. Especially when Sam's eyes go wide and pleading when Dean suggests that Chris and Sam go in one car. Though when they get closer to Beacon Hills, they make a stop at Derek's loft to drop off a few bags and figure out sleeping arrangements. Chris then tells Allison to ride with the boys and show them around town, he having a few errands to run around town before the big secret comes out. Shrugging, Allison agrees.

"So where to?" Dean asks, waiting until Allison's settled in the backseat of the Impala to start driving. "Are we waiting for your dad to inform the others?"

"I guess," she shrugs. "Just drive. I wanna see how much the town has changed and then I'll take you to one of my favorite spots here. It's dark enough for you to see why I like it so much."

Dean drives through the town and Allison hooks her chin over the seat so her face is in between the brothers. Every now and then as headlights from other drivers light up the inside of Dean's car, Allison subtly ducks behind Sam. Nothing seems to have changed and, in fact, a few buildings seem as if they were developed further into something bigger, especially the school.

Dean and Sam are in the awe of the town- at how normal and peaceful it all seems- and can't wrap their mind around the fact that monsters are actually attracted to this place. It just doesn't seem like a Hellmouth, as Dean calls it, but Allison assures them that it is. And one of the only major differences that Allison can see is the apartment complex that now resides where the Hale home once sat.

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