Alpha & Beta

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The moment after Allison mutters about getting an anti-possession tattoo, she passes out. Sam freaks, Dean demands answers to questions no one can answer, and Castiel sighs deeply at their obliviousness to his presence. After pushing Dean aside and taking a knee next to Sam, Castiel presses a couple fingers to Allison's forehead in deep concentration. He wills his grace to sweep Allison's body in search of anything out of the norm, but doesn't find anything other than the fading darkness around her heart- the darkness that had set her on this path in the first place and that several angels had to concentrate on to start the removal process.

After Castiel deems Allison healthy- that she only passed out due to overwhelming circumstances- Sam and Dean settle her down in the backseat of the Impala and head home back to the bunker. Castiel had been invited to ride with them, but the angel still had duties to tend to, he then admitting he only came down when he sensed that Allison was in danger. So Castiel leaves and the brothers take Allison back to the bunker.

When there, Sam carries Allison to her room and tucks her into bed where he and his brother keep watch through the night because her nightmares decided to come back with a vengeance.

When there, Sam carries Allison to her room and tucks her into bed where he and his brother keep watch through the night because her nightmares decided to come back with a vengeance

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When Allison wakes the following morning, she groggily climbs out of bed and winces when she realizes she's still in the dress from the night before. Her phone is surprisingly still tucked into her bra, so she takes it out and plugs it into an outlet to charge. Afterward, she gathers up some fresh clothes and takes a long steamy shower.

The night's events rush back to her under the spray of the hot water, and she embarrassingly groans when the kiss she planted on Sam flashes in her mind. But the embarrassment is completely overrun when she remembers being possessed and the nightmares that plagued her through the night. Her blood runs cold and fear makes her heart beat double, and Allison tries her damnedest to scrub herself clean.

Afterward, the shorts and tank top she pulled on leave her feeling too exposed so she finds one of her too large plaid shirts- a green one- and pulls it on. She squeezes out as much water from her hair as she can with the towel and then lets it hang down to her shoulders to air dry. Then gathering up all her courage, she faces the music.

Following the voices, she finds Sam and Dean in kitchen eating breakfast. Dean smirks at her since he's the first one spot her and when Sam glances over his shoulder, Allison starts apologizing. "I am so, so, so sorry about last night. I can't believe I kissed you," she blurts.

Dean laughs around a mouth full of toast and Sam grins at her. "It's okay, Allison. All is forgiven and forgotten."

She groans and drags her bare feet until she's at the table with them, she then plopping down in a seat and pillowing her head on her crossed arms atop the table top. "I don't know what got into me. I'm so embarrassed."

"Alcohol, sweetheart," Dean happily tells her. "Alcohol emboldens you." She groans again at Dean's too cheerful voice and sighs when Sam reaches over and rubs her back. Everything really is apparently fine between the two of them. "And speaking of being emboldened, did you mean what you said last night or are we going to have to find you another anti-possession necklace?"

The Huntress ➳Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now