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Author's Note: There's a bit of some.. non-consensual touching. It's nothing too bad, but still I thought I'd warn you. Also, I apologize for OOC Allison. I wanna give the excuse that it's because she's still trying to figure out who she is, but I'm pretty sure it's just because I suck at keeping characters in-character.

 I wanna give the excuse that it's because she's still trying to figure out who she is, but I'm pretty sure it's just because I suck at keeping characters in-character

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Allison ends up taking the following day for herself, she only coming out of her room to eat and shower. As requested, Sam and Dean give Allison her space and wait patiently for her to come to them. And honestly, she's not even sure why she's secluded herself away. Sure remembering her death was a lot overwhelming, but the longer she has to think about it, the more she realizes she shouldn't have given Sam and Dean the brush off she did and just talked to them.

She replays the memory over and over, burning the faces of those that were around her in her memory in hopes of their names coming to her, but they never do. She thinks of the boy she remembers confessing her love to, but as she brings his face up to the forefront of her mind, those feelings she apparently once felt for him don't come rushing back. Instead, a sense of platonic adoration floods through her.

By the time Allison feels up for some company, it's way passed dinner. Still, she heads for the kitchen in hopes of a late night snack and finds both brothers sitting up and drinking from coffee mugs. No one says a word, but Allison manages a smile when she sees a steaming pot of what she assumes is hot chocolate settled between the brothers. An extra mug is placed alongside the pot and as Allison makes her way towards them, Sam pours her a drink.

No one says anything and the silence is actually quite peaceful.

No one says anything and the silence is actually quite peaceful

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Allison's sleeping rather peacefully. Well, at least she was.

She's laying on her stomach, her arms tucked beneath her pillow and the bed sheet covering from her lower back on down. She knows that the bunker is secure enough from any threats so she's not really on edge, but there is a presence in her room- a presence that shouldn't be there, especially when she's sleeping.

"Careful.. careful.. careful," someone harshly whispers. Dean, by the sounds of it. "If you wake her, Sammy, so help me.."

Allison's lips curl in her amusement, she pressing her face deeper into her pillow and letting the brothers do whatever it is they're doing while muttering harsh words to each other back and forth. She proceeds to pretend as if she's peacefully sleeping up until a loud pop! sounds and then she immediately flops to her back, eyes wide.

The Huntress ➳Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now