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"Ev- everything. I remember everything."

Sam's breath seems to whoosh out of him as he smiles in relief. The clearing of a throat has Allison shifting in bed, she moving about so she can glance behind Sam. And to her surprise, Derek Hale's standing there.


"Allison." And for the first time since the Winchesters have met the werewolf, they're treated to an honest smile. "You're looking rather lively for a dead girl."

"That's angels for you." She manages a small smile of her own, she then groaning as she pushes herself into a sitting position. "I take it Sam and Dean told you everything?"

"Yeah, and the angel. I thought Stiles attracted trouble, but I guess I was wrong. He's never attracted angels and demons before."

"Stiles? What the hell is a Stiles?"

Allison snorts and Derek smirks, but it's Allison who answers. "Stiles is Charlie, but without the girl parts. Charlie has a brain to mouth filter on about eighty percent of the time, and Stiles has no filter whatsoever."

"A world with two Charlie's?" Sam grins. "Sounds interesting."

"Sounds like a nightmare," Dean says right after.

Allison laughs and then groans again, her eyes clamping shut as her fingers work in a circular motion against her temples. "I need aspirin, a change of clothes and food. In that order."

Dean snorts before he gets to work reheating food for her, and Sam jumps up and immediately starts piling together clothes from a black duffel bag.

Derek takes that moment to stride up to Allison who's shakily trying to get out of bed, he gently grasping her forearm and pulling her to her feet. "You're bossier than I remember."

"And you're less of a.. what did Stiles call you? Sourwolf?" She shakily grins. Sam reappears at her side, he handing her three aspirin and a bottle of water. After she quickly drinks the painkillers down, she accepts the bundle of clothes from her friend with a fond smile and meets a Derek's curious gaze. "It was Hell, Derek. It was lightning and fire and torture. Did you honestly think I'd still be the Allison Argent that you once knew after all that?"

His expression falters and he subtly gulps. "Well when you put it like that.."

She softly chuckles and then excuses herself into the bathroom to change. Dean leans against one of the kitchen counters, yawning and crossing his arms over his chest. Sam takes a seat as he sets out Allison's food, and Derek takes a seat as well only he sets his chair a couple feet away from the brothers.

When Allison re-emerges, she's barefoot and in black leggings with a black spaghetti strap tank top beneath a purple long sleeve, and her hair is left in loose curls tucked behind her ears. "I so could have gone for a shower, but I'm guessing a certain someone wants some more answers."

Derek raises an eyebrow at her. "You guess? I mean, I have the answers, but circumstances have changed now that you apparently remember everything."

Allison pads over to the empty seat, sits down and pulls her plated burrito closer before digging in. "What do you think has changed, Derek?" She asks around a mouthful of food.

"You going home," he deadpans. "The only reason you're with these brothers is because you couldn't force the memories, but now that you remember everything.."

She shakes her head, cutting him off. "I can't." She frowns. Allison takes another bite of food, then chasing it with a swig of water. "Not now. Everything- it's all too fresh. I can't just show up, convince them I'm me, and accept their smiles and hugs all while being expected to be the Allison I was from before."

The Huntress ➳Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now