The Huntress'

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Author's Note: Any and all information about Abilene, Kansas is completely made up. I've never been to this place, so don't believe anything I have to say about it. I just needed a name of a nearby town and I landed on Abilene. Capisce?

Allison's just finished a Skype session with the ladies of the McCall Pack when two back-to-back knocks on her bedroom door draws her attention to it's source

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Allison's just finished a Skype session with the ladies of the McCall Pack when two back-to-back knocks on her bedroom door draws her attention to it's source. Claire stands there leaning against the door jamb, arms crossed and blonde curls hanging over one shoulder. "Hey, what's up?"

"Sam and Dean are on a hunting trip and haven't been home for a few days. Jody went after them and hasn't checked in. Chris says we're up to bat."

Closing her laptop, Allison scoots towards the edge of her bed. "It's about time. What's the time schedule?"

"We leave in half an hour. Chop, chop, Argent. It's time to go save your boy toy and his idiotic brother." Allison huffs a laugh as Claire pushes off the doorway, the blonde playing with the ends of two braids running along one side of her head. "I'll meet you up front. Don't be late."

Taking a moment for herself, Allison picks up her phone and types out a quick message for Charlie.

To: Charlie
From: Allison
I need the GPS coordinates for the Impala and you to hack any cameras around the Impala for any information about Dean and Sam. Jody, too. They've gone missing and my dad's sending in Claire and I to find them.

Settling her phone aside, Allison starts putting together a bag. Sam and Dean are missing, so she's not going in as any type of out-of-town authority. She's going as the concerned girlfriend and Claire will most likely pass as the concerned younger sibling. Then after making sure she has a couple outfits to last her for the time away from the bunker, Allison grabs up another bag and heads for the weapons range. She grabs up her bow and personalized arrows along with all the gear she normally uses for archery, and packs a few guns, ammunition, daggers and holsters.

Up front, Allison finds Claire standing by the main table with a bag sitting in front of her. Placing her own two next to Claire's, she hip checks the younger girl before giving her dad her full attention.

"Okay," Chris sighs. "We got three hunters missing. While I give the Winchesters a lot of credit, it is odd that Sam hasn't checked in with Allison in over twenty-four hours. Even more so, Ms. Mills hasn't called in as she explained she would.

"Now I want you girls in and out. I've been going through the bestiary app to check Sam's latest inquiry and they've narrowed down the monster to a Wendigo. As you know, there are two different species of Wendigo's, so I can't stress enough that you two need to be careful."

Allison nods. "I have Charlie hacking any nearby cameras around the Impala's last GPS coordinates. She'll fill us in on the way."

"Good." Looking between the two huntress', Chris can't help but feel a little useless. He doesn't want to send them out on their own, but he knows someone needs to stay behind and Claire doesn't really know the layout of the bunker, and Allison would follow no matter her orders. "You two set?" He eventually asks.

The Huntress ➳Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now