A Banshee's Wail

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After Scott had gathered his wits and Stiles jerked back into consciousness, the two of them wasted no time in scarfing down whatever food they had on hand and guzzled energy drinks to make the exhausted feeling they were feeling go away. Then when they were content and sated, everyone- including the Winchesters who had just recently met them- started to notice that Stiles and Scott seemed less weighed down. Whatever burden they shouldered was no longer there.

The smiles were more carefree and the laughter was a whole lot more genuine. And before Castiel could take his leave after his job was done, he was bombarded by hugs from the present McCall pack and snickered at by Dean who found Cas' awkward pats on the back rather hilarious. Allison then took Castiel off to the side, she finally thanking him personally for all that he's done for her and her friends, and he seemed a bit more at ease with her. Even Chris got to thank him and then Castiel took his leave after wishing everyone well.

The McCall Pack left soon after the sun had fully set, but not before Lydia could tell Allison and Charlie to clear their schedule for the following day because it was going to be a girl's day out.

"You're really going to leave me all alone?" Sam had murmured later that night as they laid in bed together.

"Don't be a baby," she cooed. Laying on her side with one arm draped over his chest, Allison peppered kisses along his jawline. "Stick with my dad if the pack isn't the company you're most at ease with. Scott's got a level head on his shoulders, but since Stiles works nights, he'll be there to cause some trouble during the day."

Sam grins and angles his head to the side to give Allison more room to reach. "I like the pack just fine," he murmurs. "There's just.. too many male egos." He quietly groans when Allison scrapes her teeth against his throat.

She giggles. "I find it funny that you can keep a conversation going while we're doing this." Allison nips a littler harder and Sam groans louder, she snorting and slapping her hand over his mouth. "Shh! You're going to wake Dean and Charlie."

He licks the palm of her hand, but when she merely snorts in amusement Sam pushes himself to roll over atop of Allison and pins her wrists on either side of her head. "I'm a multi-tasker," he smirks and then leans down so his lips are barely brushing hers. "And I'm not the one who has trouble keeping quiet."

Allison smirks as Sam chastely presses a kiss to her lips, she then groaning aloud when he ducks down even further and bites into the juncture where her neck and shoulder meet.

"I take it back," Charlie sleepily grumbles which causes the couple on the bed to freeze. "You two aren't cute. You're that annoying couple who tries to stealthily have sex with others in the room, but fails miserably. Go to sleep, you heathens, or go have sex in Dean's car."

The following morning, Charlie barges into the bathroom while Allison's getting ready, the brunette blushing as she tries to hurry and cover the mark Sam oh-so-conveniently left on her neck

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The following morning, Charlie barges into the bathroom while Allison's getting ready, the brunette blushing as she tries to hurry and cover the mark Sam oh-so-conveniently left on her neck. Charlie's quite smug the whole morning, and after dressing in a maroon scoop neck skater dress with a thin black belt cinching the waist and a cropped leather jacket thrown over it, Allison grabs Charlie and marches her out the door before the redhead could tease her in front of Dean. The last thing Allison wanted was Dean teasing her 'cause then she'd never live the previous night down for at least several weeks.

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