McCall Pack

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Author's Note: Be prepared for about 98% of this story's characters to be in this one chapter. Ugh.

"Alli?" Lydia can't believe her eyes

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"Alli?" Lydia can't believe her eyes. Her heart feels like it's beating quite painfully, her throat tightens with suppressed emotion and her vision goes blurry with tears. She blinks them away with a sniffle and her best friend that she buried years ago smiles hesitantly at her.

"Lydia." Allison's voice catches, she having to clear her throat as her emotions get the best of her as well. "Lydia, it's me." As Allison takes a step forward, Lydia stumbles back and bumps into Malia who catches the redhead by the elbow and growls at Allison. She freezes before cautiously bending her knees, laying her weapon down at her feet and holding her hands up to show them she means no harm. "Who- who out of the two of you can detect lies the best?"

No one says anything right away, but the boy with yellow eyes eventually raises his hand. "I am."

"Liam!" Malia snaps, but he pays her no mind.

Again, Allison smiles hesitantly as she slowly takes a step towards him.

"Kid, what the hell are you doing?!" Dean steps after Allison and again she brushes his hold off.

"I need your hand," Allison says. When Liam warily holds his hand out, Allison places it right at her jugular where he can feel her heartbeat pulsing against his palm. "Your ears should be good enough, but I want you feel it when I tell you the truth." The boy nervously gulps as he glances over his shoulder, but Malia and Lydia are already watching on in a curious manner. When his attention is back on Allison, she says, "My name is Allison Argent. My alpha was once True Alpha McCall. I died, but then an angel named Castiel resurrected me." Shocked silence lingers, so she continues with a brief, "There's a lot more to tell, but I rather tell it only once so everyone needs to be together."

Moments pass and then Liam's glancing over his shoulder again, wide-eyed. "She's telling the truth." Lydia immediately starts bawling and Liam turns back to Allison, retaking his hand slowly. "Sorry," he grins sheepishly. "Beacon Hills has been quiet for a while and we're kind of just waiting for the next monster to pass through. We're kind of due for some drama, actually."

"I get it. If the roles we reversed, I'd be on guard as well." The words are barely out of Allison's mouth before she finds hers arms being pinned to her sides as Lydia flings herself at her, the redhead wrapping Allison tightly in a hug.

"It's you. It's really, really you."

"Yeah, Lyds," she chuckles. "It's me."

Lydia steps back, teary eyes sparkling as she sniffles and lets her fingers trace over Allison's face. Being the good sport that she is, Allison lets her get all the assurance she needs.

"Touching, really," Dean suddenly grumbles, "but should we be worried? Last I remember, blue eyes on a wolf was kind of bad thing."

Immediately, Malia growls. "I'm a coyote, not a werewolf."

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