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Author's Note: I DEEPLY apologize for how choppy this chapter might seem. Firstly, I got a review (not negative in any way, in fact it was a good review!), but it somehow made me doubt everything I had already written and the stuff I had planned. AND THEN, I got yet another plot bunny running around my mind (this one Marvel and when Marvel's on my brain, it's hard to kick it out). Fortunately, those two Twilight ideas got kicked to the curb for the time being and I've actually been on a writing row with this story :) Fingers crossed I can keep it up!

After arriving at the bunker which the Winchester's stated was their home, Chris was surprised with the sophistication of the place as well as how big it actually was after stepping foot inside

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After arriving at the bunker which the Winchester's stated was their home, Chris was surprised with the sophistication of the place as well as how big it actually was after stepping foot inside. The elder hunter got a brief tour of the place and only settled down into his own room after Allison happily showed him all that she's accumulated since her resurrection.

He hadn't known how tired he truly was until he woke up, startled from his slumber and reaching for his gun tucked beneath his pillow. It takes him a few minutes to remember he's at the bunker after taking in his surroundings, sleeping just down the hall from his daughter. And wow. His daughter.. she's alive!

Smiling to himself, Chris doesn't bother checking the time and sets out to get ready for the day. Luckily, the room the Winchester's put him in has it's own bathroom, so he doesn't have to wander around looking for one. Then after dressed and showered for the day, Chris wanders out into the hall and retraces his steps to the front of the bunker. He doesn't hear much, but he figures the kitchen is his best bet. And sure enough, Chris enters to find one of the most amusing scenes he's seen in a while.

Dean Winchester is sitting is a loose bath robe, reading from a magazine while delicately sipping from a mug of coffee and Allison is practically glaring into a bowl of cereal as if it's personally offended her as she shovels spoonful after spoonful into her mouth. And though the scene is rather amusing, Chris can't help but give himself a moment to just let the scene sink in. His daughter is alive- alive!- and she's just right there in front of him.

"You get used to it," Sam suddenly and quietly muses from over Chris' shoulder. "I usually just tiptoe around them until the morning haze disappears."

"Shove it, bitch."

"Just 'cause you're cute doesn't mean I won't put an arrow in you."

The younger Winchester chuckles at his brother and the girl he's actually fallen pretty hard for. "They're pretty rude this early in the morning, so I'm usually in the gym until their grumpiness wears off." It's then that Chris notices Sam's gym attire.

"It's funny," Chris mumbles as his gaze slides back to his daughter. "I never remember Allison being like this. She was always so easy to wake up, but I guess after all she's been through.."

"..things change," Sam finishes. He watches as Argent's easy going grin slowly crumbles and mentally sighs. "She's still your daughter, she's just.. more aware of things now."

The Huntress ➳Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now