A Talk

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On the drive home, Allison keeps waking with her heart pounding yet aching at the same time. Her memories of Scott are flooding her and she doesn't know what to think of them. At times, she'll sit awake in the backseat to try and make sense of it, but it's no use. And since Dean has driven straight through the night, Allison soon climbs out of the car with barely a smile directed at the brothers and holes up in her room only to fall into a deep sleep.

Come morning, Allison knows everything she once knew about Scott McCall. Her thoughts are a jumbled mess and she's just so confused about everything. Scott McCall is the apparent love of her life- hell, she felt the love she had for Scott in her dreams- but when she woke, that same feeling just wasn't there when she thought of him.

Not knowing what to make of her memories or emotions, Allison wakes, showers and gets dressed. However, not feeling up for much of anything, she throws on a loose tank over a sports bra, jeans shorts, and a pair of knee-high dark gray socks with three white stripes above the knee. She pads into the kitchen, flipping on lights and preparing herself some breakfast seeing as the brothers are still asleep, so she only just makes enough food for herself.

After the food is consumed, Allison numbly places all her dishes in the sink and heads to one of the smaller libraries of the bunker where a small cozy couch resides.

After the food is consumed, Allison numbly places all her dishes in the sink and heads to one of the smaller libraries of the bunker where a small cozy couch resides

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Dean wakes only to find the bunker oddly quiet. Sam's usually up by now and if not, then Allison was. She proved to be an early riser- something which Dean was annoyed by when staying in motels- but again, the bunker is quiet.

Doing a little search, he stops by Allison's room and finds it empty. The bed was obviously slept in and the clothes strewn atop the bed leads Dean to believe Allison was already up for the day. The kitchen is the same, quiet, but the dirty dishes proved she'd already been by. And wondering just where the hell their little charge had gotten off to, Dean starts a pot of coffee while searching for her- he deciding to start from the very lowest floor of the bunker and working his way up.

The garage and the weapon's range turn up empty, there being no sign she was there. There's too many rooms to search through and a maze of hallways that Dean dreads looking through, so he stops by the kitchen for coffee first before continuing on his trek. Luckily for him, however, he doesn't have to search far.

Dean ends up finding Allison in one of the smaller libraries, she sitting on the couch and staring off into space. Her knees are tucked up against her chest, arms wrapped around her legs and her chin resting on one knee. He leans against the door jamb and just watches her, he finishing off his coffee and frowning when she doesn't realize that he's standing there. Teary eyes blink slowly and dread fills his stomach. He's not awake enough for a chick flick moment. So coming a decision, Dean discretely leaves without being noticed and wakes Sam.

His brother is more equipped for crying females.

His brother is more equipped for crying females

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The Huntress ➳Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now