A Call

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The day of Sam's birthday, May 2nd, dawns bright and early. As agreed upon by both Dean and Allison several days before, the two of them were going to act as if it were just any other day and go about their usual activities. And after the sun had set, the two then planned to drag Sammy to the nearest bar or club to ensure the youngest Winchester had a good night.

They eat breakfast together, ignoring Sam's expectant expression of them acknowledging what day it was and go on with their day. They smile, they laugh and they search the web and newspapers for any sign of a hunt they could go on.

Allison texted Charlie in favor of video calling in case she mentioned Sam's birthday and ruined their surprise plans, and Allison nearly caved a couple of times when she saw Sam's excited expression every time he thought they'd remembered just what the day was. And it was only when the sun started to set that Dean finally put his brother out of his misery.

"Alright, Sammy," he says, clamping his hands down on his brother's shoulders since Sam was seated. "Go shower, change into some nicer clothes and get ready for a night to remember."


"Get your ass in the shower, bitch. We're going out for your birthday."

Sam gapes and it's then Allison pops out from behind Dean's back. "Surprise!" She laughs. "I'm so sorry we didn't say anything soon. We had a plan."

Sam's speechless for a few seconds before a smile breaks out, he chuckling as Allison leans around Dean to hug him as best as she could.

The brothers and Allison then go their separate ways, everyone showering and getting dressed for the night's activities. And then when they all meet back up, Allison mockingly glares at them and dares them to say something about her chosen outfit for the night- a dark floral print dress with a dark leather jacket thrown atop it. Suede chunky heeled boots fit snugly on her feet, an arrow necklace wraps around her throat and several silver stacking rings adorn her right index finger.

Dean and Sam wear their usual plaid shirts beneath their jackets, jeans and boots, though their clothing looks a lot nicer than what they usually wear.

As they head out for the night, Allison stalls them before they can settle down into the Impala. She mumbles about forgetting her phone and as Sam pauses just a few steps in front of her, she hurriedly digs her hand into her jacket pocket. Pulling her fist free, she makes a gesture of throwing something in the air only for chunky glitter to come raining down atop Sam's head.

Shocked, Sam can only stare dumbfounded while Dean full-on laughs at his sparkling brother and Allison produces her phone from her other jacket pocket. Giggling, she says, "I'm so sorry, but Charlie sends her happy wishes for the birthday boy. She wanted me to ambush you on her behalf since she couldn't be here."

Dean's still on laughing as Allison snaps pic after pic, Sam finally sighing and smiling as he looks down upon himself. "Dude, I don't know why you're laughing," he tells his brother. "I still have to sit in your car. The glitter is gonna get everywhere."

At that, Dean stops laughing and instead glares at Allison. "You're cleaning Baby in the morning."


Instead of going to one of the usual dingy bars they're used to hanging out at, Dean drives them into a rather populated city and to an actual night club called Club Bliss. There's a decent crowd outside waiting to get in and the music thumps loud and clear even outside. Neon lights light up the front of the building and at the windows at the very top of the building, flashing lights inside can be seen.

Dean quickly parks and locks up, and instead of standing at the end of the line he leads them up to the very front. Sam and Allison are hesitant to follow, but apparently Dean had really planned ahead and one of the bouncers smirk as Dean approaches him- the bouncer then letting the three of them in without even batting an eye. Several club-goers groan, but the bouncer pays them no mind as he tells Dean, Sam and Allison to have a good time.

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