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For the next two hours, Sam does research on the name 'Argent' and 'California', and comes up with some disturbing stories dating back numerous of years in Beacon Hills, California- most importantly, the fact about one Kate Argent burning down the Hale home with adults and children still inside. Dean paces and grumbles about helping out a chick who runs with monsters, but Sam is quick to reply that these 'monsters' fall in the gray category. Yes, they kill monsters, but it's not like they haven't run across some that were quite innocent in the past. Mind you, innocent monsters are rare to come across, but these in California have a freakin' angel vouching for them. And after digging into some lore on the internet, Sam found some information on another breed of werewolves that didn't seem too.. monstrous.

"I don't know, Sammy. Do you really think this is a good idea?"

"..maybe? She comes from a family of hunters, Dean. She'll eventually remember how to take care of herself and at least with her around, we can take on the easy cases and rest up some. We deserve it."

"Yeah, but.. babysitting?" He scoffs. "I get the girl got a shitty deal, but why do we have to take care of the angels' mistake?"

"'Cause Cas trusts us. If I'm being honest, I say we do it," Sam shrugs. "It's an easy gig and we can really use the time off from the big cases."

The elder Winchester grumbles some more before he actually gives the thought any more consideration. "Whatever." Dean walks over to his bed and plops down, grumbling about how he can't wait to get back to the bunker. Interlocking his fingers behind his head, he stretches out comfortably before crossing his legs at the ankles. "Tell Cas we'll babysit, but if her monsters don't check out when we eventually deliver her, we're gankin' those sonnuvabitches."

"Got it."

As Dean closes his eyes to get some much needed shut-eye, Sam continues his research. The only kitsunes they've run across have all been of the bad variety.. and the hellhound? He really hopes there's a different breed of that, too.


Obviously, the internet isn't the best place to research lore because there's no telling what's real and what isn't. There's a lot on kitsunes from the Chinese mythology- so many different kinds of those creatures- but there's not a lot on hellhounds. Banshees immediately ping on the wailing woman, but that's too obvious for Sam's taste and he can't wait until they're back at the bunker so he can look through their library which has legit information.

Nothing pops up on werecoyotes, but there is something that had intrigued the hunter right off the bat- "sometimes the shape you take reflects the person that you are." Sam had then sat for a couple more hours, researching every type of were-creature he could find before Castiel reappeared.

Dean wakes from his nap just as the sun is setting and the flapping of wings make the brothers tense for what's to come.

"Have you come to a decision?" Crystal blue eyes dart between Dean and Sam, and Sam shifts uncomfortably.

"Uh, yeah, but first I have a question."

"Go on."

"Are we even allowed to tell her about monsters? You said her memories have to come on their own, but how can we not tell her if hunting monsters is what we do and she's to tag along?"

Castiel sighs. "I thought about that after I departed earlier," he admits. "She'll know not is all that it seems when she wakes. She will know her torturer is a monster, but not what kind, and it'll be up to you two to explain as kindly as possible about what monsters lurk out there in the world. However, you can not tell her that she's part of a werewolf pack. That information has to come to her all on it's own."

The Huntress ➳Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now