Argent vs. Argent

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Author's Note: Your eyes do not deceive you. This is another update ;) It's short, but it picks up directly where I left you hanging. Also, bad news before you get to reading.. "The Huntress" is coming to an end pretty soon and I'm talking really soon. Like chapter 25 soon :O

Malia and Kira shift uncomfortably at Allison's side, the both of them nervously glancing at Allison from the corner of their eyes, and Allison lowers the crossbow even more at the sight of the monster's features shifting to a very familiar face

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Malia and Kira shift uncomfortably at Allison's side, the both of them nervously glancing at Allison from the corner of their eyes, and Allison lowers the crossbow even more at the sight of the monster's features shifting to a very familiar face. "Kate?" She breathes in awe.

"Uh, what do we do?" Kira asks, gripping her sword tight in hand and keeping it held in front of her.

Malia shrugs, her teeth elongating as she shifts her weight from foot to foot as if just waiting for the word to lunge. "I don't know. Lydia?"

"Ssh. Just wait."

"Alli. Alli, get out of here," Dean yells. "Go get help!"

The huntress startles, her gaze darting back to the Winchesters. She only manages one step in their direction before Kate starts tutting at her, wagging one clawed finger in her direction. "What is it with you and picking the wrong sort of people to hang out with?" She smiles maliciously as she paces back and forth in a slow, intimidating manner. "Here you are, flesh and bone, given another chance at life and you throw in with Winchesters," Kate sneers. "You know better, niece 'o mine."

Allison grits her teeth. "What do you want?"

"What I want is for my family to get their heads out of their ass. First you fight for werewolves when you should be putting them down-" Malia growls threateningly at this, "and now you fight side-by-side with murderers." Kira shifts angrily, Allison watching as an orange glow starts to emanate from the kitsune, but refuses to take her eyes off Kate. Kate, however, just smiles even wider at the sight.

"You know," Kate continues to speak while pacing back and forth still. "When I heard the rumors that an Argent had been resurrected, I didn't quite believe it. And then your name started getting thrown around with the Winchesters, and I just had to see for myself what kind of trouble you'd landed yourself in." The smile drops and an angry sneer replaces it. "Color me surprised when I see you with hearts in your eyes as you stared at one Winchester and my brother driving the other one around like a doting father."

"So you're jealous?" Allison huffs, trying to buy her friends some time. "You're pissed because my dad and I hunt beside the Winchesters?"

"I'm trying to protect my family!" Kate roars. "These boys are bad news, Alli. Why can't you see that? It's like Scott all over again when you found out he was a monster."

"Look in the mirror, Kate. The only monster here is you; It's only ever been you." Kate's facial expression goes blank and then cold, and Allison takes aim with her crossbow once more. "And you stopped being a member of this family the day you set a house full of innocent werewolves and humans on fire." Kate throws her head back and laughs. "Now step away from Sam and Dean or I'll put an arrow in your throat."

The Huntress ➳Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now