Epilogue. Of Sorts.

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Life at the bunker was.. interesting.

Not only did they have Charlie in and out of their lives, but now Jody, Claire and even Derek were consistently checking in. Derek had been dead set against making betas of his own given his past history with his own pack, and after a long talk between Chris and Allison, the two came to the conclusion that they would consider themselves part of the Hale Pack as to not let Derek turn into an omega alpha. Sam was quick to follow, as was Charlie, and though Dean was little reluctant, the elder Winchester caved and put his loyalty with the pack. Derek had a surge of power after each person professed their loyalty and it took a moment to catch his breath, but when he did, Allison had laughed and told him he had to move in now that they were family.

Every now and then Allison would struggle with her nightmares, but having a pack who greatly cared about her helped when she needed to talk it out.

Allison eventually brought up the fact that Claire wasn't exactly fit to be out in the field and after a long discussion with Jody, the female sheriff agreed to Claire temporarily moving to the bunker so Chris and Allison could properly train her. The blonde obviously showed signs of becoming a force to be reckoned with, and the men of the bunker all agreed that Claire and Allison would soon be a terrifying duo.

But Chris wasn't all work and no play, and Claire got to go on the trip of a lifetime to Paris with the two Argents so they could catch up Allison's ex that she was alive and well. Dean stayed behind for obvious reasons and Sam, too, to keep his brother out of trouble. Derek and the McCall Pack wished Allison well when visiting Isaac, and well.. the trip went about as expected.



Allison and Claire wait afar in a public setting as Chris talks to Isaac. They watch the beta werewolf smile and greet Chris like an old friend before Chris sits the younger man down to explain things.

"He's actually kind of cute," Claire quietly muses.

Allison snorts, but she keeps her attention on Isaac's reaction. His smile soon drops and he briefly shakes his head in disbelief. Then when Chris gives the signal, Allison and Claire walk arm-in-arm towards the bench Chris had chosen to have such a discussion.

Isaac tenses, eyes blown wide in shock. He has trouble controlling the glow of his eyes as he drinks her in and Allison gulps while hesitantly waving her fingers at him. "Hey, Isaac."

"Allison?" He hesitantly stands, his gaze darting between her and Chris, and when Chris only smiles and encourages him that it's really her, Claire barely manages to step aside as Isaac grabs Allison up in a bone crushing hug.

"Alright, alright," she laughs and awkwardly wraps her arms back around him as much as she can. "I'm still only human, Isaac, so ease up on the wolfy strength."

He instantly obliges, one hand holding the small of her back while the other cradles the back of her head. She's easily tucked beneath his chin and she laughs once more. "So I take it your're happy to see me?"

"Are you kidding me right now? You're alive! I-I can't-"

"Yeah. It's a lot to take in," she mumbles. "I'll grant you another minute of comfort hugging until it becomes awkward and then we'll fill you in on everything."



Needless to say, Isaac was thrown about the idea of angels and demons truly existing, and then the story had to be told all over again much to Claire's annoyance when Jackson Whittemore suddenly made an appearance. Jackson was a little harder to convince, but after a handful of calls to the McCall pack and Derek, the blue-eyed wolf finally let himself believe what he was hearing and seeing.

The Huntress ➳Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now