Chapter 13~Emotions

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~Viewers attention this Chapter has a little mature themes and will need to be handled maturely. Please be aware I warned you!~
~(Y/N) POV~
I quickly stood up "I am so so sorry Evan" I said as I tried to hold back my tears... All I had on my mind was that I felt like I just cheated on Kyle. Even though I hadn't kissed Evan back. I wanted to, I had an urge to kiss him and show him that I cared about him. After I saw his face when he realized my smile turned to a frown. I couldn't holdthe tears." I--ii h-avve t-to g-go". I could barely process what I had just said. The warm tears kept steaming down my face. I had forgot about the note and just ran back to my house. I missed the last step and took a fall. I didn't even care I stood up still crying and ran again. I opened the front and heard a bed squeaking and moaning... I stepped inside my house, and shut the door quietly. I looked for Kyle, and then headed to where the moaning was coming from. I open the door and seenKyle and Sidney on the bed with embarresed expressions on their faces. Kyle then relized it was me and jumped off the bed and began walking towards me. I sped out of the room and grabbed my car keys off of the table.
"(Y/N) please I didn't mean it. I love you! Please don't leave, she means nothing to me. Your my,world please!!!" He pleaded and begged like his life was on the line. I slowly turned around with tears in my eyes.
"Kyle, stop lying to yourself. I already forgave you once before you got ready to depart into war. Kyle, I know you will sleep with someone else again. Before Val was my best friend you slept with my now ex Best friend Olivia and now you are sleeping with my now ex friend Sidney. Where does the lying STOP"?! I yelled while my voiced cracked and tears streamed down my face. "We are OVER, I want YOU and SIDNEY out of my house, and tell Sidney I want to speak with her..." I said trying to calm my tears that grew more intensely. I slammed the front door and walked over to Evans house. With not even knocking I walked straight in. Evan was sitting there on his couch while staring down at his hands. "Evan". I whispered while holding back my tears. He looked up and a faint smile grew apon his face.

"(Y/N)?" He said with a confused look on his face. I stared down at the ground and tried to avoid eye contact. Before I even realized it more tears were streaming down my face, I soon felt some pull me into a hug. I looked up and saw Evan starring at me. "(Y/N), why are you crying"? a few moments later "(Y/N) I don't like seeing you cry". "Stop crying, your going to make me cry". I soon hugged him back, and a small grin grew on his face. "Now beautiful tell me why your perfect self is crying"? I sniffled and looked up at his enchanting bluish gray eyes. Usually when I look up I get lost in a trance but this time I felt at home and safe. I saw love and kindness in his eyes, he gave me a warm compassionate smile. I smiled back and mummbled something under my breath. "Come on (Y/N), you can trust me". he said softly

"Ok.." I said quietly to my self. "Evan" I said slowly while choking back my tears. "K-kyle c-cheated on m-me, w-with s-si.." I stopped myself before I continued, Evan just went on a date with Sidney the other day, and from the looks of it, it looks like they had a great time.

"Finish your sentence, please". Evan said softly.

"KYLE CHEATED ON ME WITH SIDNEY"! I screamed while Tears flooded down my cheeks. Evans face slowly went to a small frown. He leaned it and whispered....

"(Y/N) why would someone ever want to cheat on you... You are perfect, flawless. Wife material, and most of all you have an amazing personality. If I was Kyle I would have already probaby proposed by no..." He said

I cut him off before he could finish..." Thats just it Evan! Kyle has proposed before...."

"Wait what"?!

"Me and Kyle started dating when I was 14..... Then we broke up. But we got back together. He proposed a week after Val and Daylon got engaged... I turned him down".... "He started acting different since then"

" Wait go back to when he proposed." "Why didn't you tell me"?

"We stopped talking....." I remarked He shook his head and looked down at my hands and grabbed them. He looked back up and my eyes met his, he smiled and I leaned in and kissed him.

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